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Love beyond the mask (Whitney) novel Chapter 386

Elaine had vanished from the hospital, a clear sign that something was off...

Ludwik roared at Felix, "Scour the whole city for Elaine, check all the properties owned by the Bartels family in Banyan City. We must track her down."

"Parker, rally the police force, get them to the hospital ASAP!"

Ludwik gripped the woman's wrist tightly, not allowing her to wriggle free, and looked down at Whitney, his gaze softening as if entangled with a myriad of thoughts. His voice was hoarse, "I didn't know before. Now that I do, I won't let anything happen to our child..."

Whitney, her eyes red, pushed him away. "I hope so. Your mother is more important right now. Let's head to the hospital's security room."

Ludwik, with a cold look in his eyes, pulled her as they ran downstairs.


As night approached, Elaine, disguised, emerged from a villa in Banyan City.

Devin called her, saying the targets were about to be delivered to the predetermined location and asked for her instructions.

Elaine had perfectly covered up the 'hospital abduction' from the afternoon. Even if Ludwik became suspicious and had the police investigate, the surveillance footage from TriMed Hospital and the alibis would hold up.

Now, she had to deal with the old lady and the youngster in secret. Then, sneak back to the villa unnoticed, continuing to fabricate her alibi.

Driving an unfamiliar car, Elaine and her crew headed towards the outskirts of Banyan City.

By ten in the evening, before reaching her destination, Devin's call came through again. His tone had shifted dramatically, "Miss, we've got trouble. We just secured the old lady and the kid in a house halfway up the mountain, and we were ambushed. All our men are injured, myself included, got a stab wound. No clue about the condition of the old lady and the kid inside the house now..."

"What?!" Elaine was taken aback, caught off guard.


Sammy and his grandmother were bound and brought to this ancient house, eerie and solemn.

During the abduction, Elaine had made sure to strip him of his smartwatch, GPS necklace, and any other suspicious items. He didn't cooperate and took quite a beating. The little guy, bruised and battered, was tossed inside. His grandmother's breathing was erratic, struggling without her oxygen tank.

Sammy kept using the techniques his mommy taught him to help his grandma breathe easier, but after all, he was just a three-and-a-half-year-old child, his strength limited. His eyes reddened from time to time, reminding his grandma, "Please don't fall asleep, okay?"

Natalie, gentle yet struggling, blinked and softly touched his little hand, her eyes seeming to say, don't be afraid, child, I'll protect you.

Sammy's eyes turned redder. He had barely spent time with his grandma, yet she was such a tender person.

Suddenly, unusual noises came from outside. Sounds of a fight! Among them was an elderly wail, one he recognized as belonging to one of Elaine's men. Then, all these noises vanished.

Sammy, puzzled, perked up his ears. Through the broken windows, a chilling picture formed with the drizzling night and the forest, devoid of any human figure. Where did everyone go?

Gathering his bravery, hands still bound, he got up and ran outside.

"No..." Natalie frowned in disapproval, watching her grandson's risky behavior.

Sammy had already made it outside, finding the area around the old house eerily empty. What was going on? Regardless, Sammy saw his chance.

Chapter 386 1

Chapter 386 2


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