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Love beyond the mask (Whitney) novel Chapter 39

Chapter 39 

Monica stood on the stage, tears glistening in her eyes, looking every part of the role of a pitiful beauty

Below, the crowd was pointing fingers at Whitney, their voices raised in anger, If you can’t produce evidence from your computer, get off the stage! Monica is the true design prodigy!” 

Whitney, you don’t deserve to compete. Plagiarism could get you expelled.” 

Just at the charity ball the other week, this woman was spreading rumors about Monica’s miscarriage. Now it seems she was framing her all along!Someone sneered sarcastically from the audience

The murmurs grew louder

Whitney stood amid the accusations, her expression icy. Monica had come prepared this time

No, it’s not true!Her assistant burst out angrily, rushing forward. I watched Whitney work tirelessly through the night on this piece. Monica, you manipulative witch, twisting the truth” 

Enough,” Aaron interjected, raising his hand. Whitney, what’s left to argue if you can’t show proof? Plagiarists have no place here, and you’re disturbing the peace! Security, escort these two out.” 

Without further ado, Whitney and her assistant were ushered unceremoniously out of the exhibit hall

The sky was a heavy gray, mirroring the storm brewing in Whitney’s heart. Seated on the steps outside, she reopened her laptop and searched thoroughly once more

The file folder was gone, her history erased without a trace

Whitney’s eyes narrowed in cold fury

Suddenly, her laptop was smashed under a highheeled shoe

Monica strutted over, her secretary holding an umbrella to block the pressing reporters. She taunted Whitney with a smirk, Sis, thanks for creating such a marvelous piece. It won unanimous praise from the judges, no doubt snagging the preliminary round’s crown

Sure, Simon had already sweettalked Aaron for me, guaranteeing my victory, but winning with your draft? That’s an indescribable thrill!” 

Monica’s whisper was venomous. She pinched Whitney’s cheek maliciously. You bet everything on this competition, hoping to ruin me and make a comeback. But look at you now. After today, your name will be mud, infamous across the internet. What jewelry company would employ a notorious plagiarist? Whitney, you’re finished! Skye Gem Ltd. is out of your reach!” 

Monica left with a triumphant laugh, her recent humiliations avenged

Whitney remained silent, her gaze icy as she shook off Monica’s hand and stood

Behind her, Monica’s laughter continued. You still don’t get why you’ve been played, do you? Thought you were so smart, Whitney. Did you really think you could outsmart me?” 

Monica swaggered away as Tiana approached, her face as pale as a ghost

The reporters were snapping photos of Whitney’s downfall, and the onlookers whispered among themselves, especially the shareholders from Skye Gem, who scorned Whitney for her audacity and plagiarism

Tiana shouted them away, pulling Whitney to her feet

Her assistant picked up the crushed laptop. Tiana whirled around, her eyes blazing as she sta 

Who else could have gotten to the lapto 

lared at Whitney’s assistant. It was you, wasn’t it?Did Monica’s lackey buy you off?” 

It wasn’t me, I swear, Whitney, please believe meHer assistant was bewildered, crying in distress


wey watched her assistant quetly and then stopped Trane’s hand. Don’t be rash, Tiana. It wasn’t her

But no one else had access to your laptop/ Trana trembled with anger

wasn’t het Whitney sand her gaze thoughtful Remember October 2nd, Tiana? What day was it?” 

Tiana paused then replied. We had a gathering with Stella on October 1st, and you stayed at my place on the 

Whitney turned to the assistant. Has anyone else touched this laptop since we arrived?” 

Absolutely not? The assistant declared earnpatly

Whitney frowned, but her eyes held a sharp determination

Think back I mean every single person, every single touch.” 

Stella isn’t just anyone, though. When I went to the bathroom, she came out of the ad room and held it for me for a moment” 

Tiana froze, her pretty face going cold

Whitney’s expression had already settled into icy resolve

Tiana struggled to believe it. You’re joking, right? How could it be Stella? We’ve known her for years.” 

I never wanted to believe it either.That was why she had never suspected and why Monica’s trap was so perfectly laid out

Whitney’s voice was a whisper crushed by weight

Where’s Stella now?” 

She mentioned a celebration party at the Royal One Club.” 

Whitney got into the car, her face weary. Then let’s go to the Royal One Club.” 

You really suspect her?Tiana’s heart was heavy. But what if it’s not her? We could ruin our friendship over nothing.” 

If it is her and we don’t root out this cancer, Monica will indeed have the last laugh.Whitney’s gaze was piercing

Tiana bit her lip and fell silent

After a moment, Tiana asked, But how will you make her confess? If she denies everything and we have no proof she tampered with the computer…” 

Whitney closed her eyes with a cold laugh. That’s the easy part.” 

Betrayed by trust, Tiana drove Whitney to the Royal One Club with a heavy heart

The Royal One Club was Banyan City’s most exclusive venue, its owner a mystery to all

Entry was a closely guarded privilege, comprising the city’s elite clientele

Tiana had to pull strings just to get Whitney inside

They arrived at the Maple Pavilion Room No. 1

Inside, the party was in full swing, with Stella weaving seductively among directors and actors


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