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Love Burned, She Rose Unscathed novel Chapter 510

As Madge passed by the quaint little shop, she abruptly stopped and announced, "You know, I'm really in the mood for some lemon bars."

Roseanne glanced around, noting the shop's aged appearance and outdated decor. No flashy signs or promotions in sight; you had to get up close to even see the list of sweets they offered.

And there they were - lemon bars!

How did mom know they sold lemon bars just by standing outside the shop? Especially since they were the shop's specialty.

Madge shrugged, "I don't know. Just had a feeling they'd have them, and that they’d be delicious."

Norris chimed in, "Haven’t you realized by now your mom has a nose for these things? She can sniff out good food a mile away."

"I guess…" Roseanne didn't dwell on it, impressed by her mom's intuition.

Corley, who had just walked up, said, "Funny, I'm here for lemon bars too."

"For yourself?"

He shook his head, "No, for my grandma."

"Grandma? Is she here too?" Roseanne scanned the area but saw no sign of her.

"She got tired, decided to rest at the coffee shop. We should introduce our folks to each other later. Last time at the bookstore, grandma wanted to check out the book signing upstairs but couldn’t make it and had to head home."

"Sure," Roseanne replied with a smile.

Since they were both buying lemon bars, Roseanne, who was first in line, bought two portions, handing one to Corley.

He asked, "How much? I'll transfer the money to you."

"Don't worry about it. It's my treat for grandma. You gave me a bottle of water last time, and I didn’t pay you for it, right?"

Corley laughed in agreement.

"Let's go," Roseanne said, looking back at him as he stood there with a goofy smile.

Entering the coffee shop, they immediately spotted the elderly couple enjoying their tea by the window.

Roseanne greeted them eagerly.


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