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Love Burned, She Rose Unscathed novel Chapter 519

York remained silent, his thoughts a whirlwind.

"Alright," he said, finally turning off the hairdryer.

Leda casually ran her fingers through her hair, impressed by its smoothness yet not overly dry texture. "Not bad," she admitted for the first time.

York asked, "So, how is it?"

Leda, for once, gave him a positive response: "You should consider opening a salon. I'd sign up in a heartbeat."

Silence followed. "Just so you know, thank you..."

Yawning, she walked over to the bed, sat down, and with a fluid motion, lay back, rolling twice to wrap herself snugly in the blanket.

"I'm off to bed. Could you turn off the lights and close the door on your way out? Thanks, bye~"

York thought to himself, Am I your servant?!

Though internally fuming, he complied, turning off the lights and gently closing the door behind him.

Enjoying a slight buzz from the alcohol, Leda quickly fell into a comfortable sleep.

After leaving her room, York eyed the unfinished wine in the decanter, poured himself another glass, and then another, until it was empty.

Feeling lightheaded and floaty, yet surprisingly clear-headed, he knew the wine's effects were kicking in. The quality of the drink made the sensation all the more delightful.

Deciding to lie down on the couch to sober up a bit before leaving, he inadvertently drifted off to sleep.

In the middle of the night, Leda woke up thirsty. As she opened her bedroom door, she noticed the living room lights were still on. Blaming her own forgetfulness, she turned them off.

After quenching her thirst, she walked past the couch on her way back to bed, only to have her wrist suddenly grabbed.


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