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Love Coming From The Least Expected novel Chapter 12

He then texted: You really suck at cooking.

I replied: So, will you cook for me again next time?

He did not reply for a long time. Just when I thought that I had been a bit too rude, he finally texted: If you eat my food, I’ll have to eat you.

Rendered speechless, I replied: Haven’t you already done that many times?

He then messaged: I have, but it’s still not enough.

Not enough…

I laughed and texted back: You’re the incapable one, but you’re blaming it on me?

He immediately replied: I was just afraid that you would get tired. Otherwise, I can guarantee that you won’t be able to get out of bed for three days.

This guy and his dirty talk. Merely reading his messages caused my face to heat up.

For the next few days, we continued to maintain such conversations via text. Every time we finished texting, I would always delete the chat records in case Lyle saw them.

However, Christopher never came again, and I assumed it was because he was busy.

Two days later, he suddenly sent me a location and texted: Come out.

After clicking it open, I realized that the location was the park near my home. Why did he go there? To take a stroll?

Just as I was hesitating whether or not to go, a new WhatsApp message came in. It read: Hurry up. It’s hot.

Hot? It’s winter now…

I replied: What’s hot?

He messaged back: My heart.

A little confused, I then texted back: Huh?

He replied: I want you. There was a pitiful-looking emoticon at the end of the message.

I had to admit that he was really good at flirting.

Without hesitation, I put on a random coat and headed out. After all, Lyle would not be back that early.

When I got there, he was sitting at a pavilion in the park. Dressed in a black suit and a white shirt, he looked a bit tired with ruffled hair and his tie casually pulled aside.

As soon as he saw me, he broke into a smile and stood up. Stretching his hands out, he said warmly, “Come here, Eve.”


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