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Love Contract with CEO novel Chapter 44

Without precaution, William was pushed aside by Mary. When he was about to lose his temper, he saw that Mary fell to the ground.

"Peace on the road!"

William immediately got out of bed and picked up the unconscious Mary. She shook Mary's body and shouted, "Wake up, Mary! Mary!"

Tears were still on Mary's face, with thick dark circles under her eyes and her pale little face, which made people feel sorry for her.

William randomly found a coat and wrapped himself and Mary in it. Then he rushed downstairs with Mary in her arms.

William drove at a speed of two hundred yards all the way. Holding Mary's left hand tightly, the car stopped at the gate of the hospital in just more than ten minutes.

"Doctor! Help! Come and save her!" Before they entered the gate of the hospital, William shouted.

Several doctors on duty heard the noise and rushed out to pick up Mary.

Turning around, William said coldly, holding Mary "I'll take her in. "

The doctors were stunned and nodded.

It was not until Mary was put on the bed steadily that William was reluctant to go out.

When he came to the corridor, William touched his pocket and found that he didn't bring anything with himself.

Taking advantage of the phone at the reception desk, William called Kevin.

"Hello? Who is that?" Kevin's voice was a little hoarse on the other side of the phone. Apparently, he was asleep.

"Me... William."

"Oh my God! Boss!" Kevin, who had always been calm, couldn't help screaming, "You're back? !"

"Yeah." "I'm in the hospital." William answered.

"Are you sick? !"

"Not me." William rubbed between his eyebrows and said, "Send me some money. Renxin Hospital... By the way, bring me another pack of cigarettes."

After hanging up the phone, William sat on the bench in the corridor, with his arms supporting his knees and his head tightly buried between his arms, making it difficult to see his expression.

He must have been crazy just now. How could he rape her without a word?! 'When did I become so impulsive and despicable?! It was just because of the gossip on TV that I finally rape Mary...'

William's mind was in a mess and his face was a little distorted. How could he face the Mary in the future?!

"Boss!" Kevin arrived at the hospital at this time, a little out of breath.

"Here you come." "Where is the cigarette?" asked William, raising his head.

"Oh, here it is." Kevin quickly took out a box of cigarettes from his pocket and handed it to William.

"Pay the bill at the front desk. I'll go out for taking a cigarette." William stood up slowly, expressionless.

Kevin frowned and looked at William up and down.

William was wearing slippers, only a few buttons of his shirt, and his hair was a little messy. He looked lonely and lonely.

What happened?

It was so late. The person who could make Boss so anxious to send to the hospital should be Mary?

In the small garden of the hospital, sitting on the stone bench, William turned on the lighter and lit a cigarette.

The red cigarette butt flickered in the dark garden.

For the first time in his life, a thought of flinching came to William's mind. He was afraid that Mary would wake up. He was afraid that she would look at him in despair. He was afraid that she would like to cancel the contract...

Oh my God! What did he do on earth?!

The cigarettes in the box were reduced one by one, but the depression in William's heart was increasing.

"Boss," Kevin came over and said, "The doctor is out."

"Okay, I see." William stood up, handed the cigarette to Kevin and walked towards the ward.

Kevin took out the cigarette box and was surprised to find that half of the cigarette was already gone.

In the outpatient room.

"Doctor, how is she?" William asked, "She... She is awake?"

"No, not yet." A fat middle-aged woman doctor asked, "Are you her husband?"

"Yeah." William nodded and asked, "Is she okay? "

The woman doctor frowned and said, "It's not a big deal. She will be fine after resting for a few days."

"Nice. Then why... "

"Hypoglycemia, poor physical strength." The woman doctor said with a little dissatisfaction, "Your wife hasn't eaten for a few days. How could you be a husband without noticing?"

Hearing that, William frowned and said nothing.

"And," the woman doctor continued, "Don't be so impulsive in the future. Look at her wounds. They haven't recovered yet. Can she withstand your movements? !"

Hearing that, William coughed unnaturally and his face turned red.

"The patient can leave the hospital after she finishes the transfusion and wakes up."

"Thank you."

Hearing that, William nodded and left in a hurry.

William tiptoed into the ward, and then walked slowly to the side of Mary's bed and looked at her quietly.

She became thinner. Why didn't he notice the wounds on her forehead and arms? Why didn't she eat?

William bent down, stretched out his big palm and rubbed her face. He said softly, "I'm sorry..."

"Boss." Kevin came over.

"Umm." William stood up straight and waved at them to go out.


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