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Love Contract with CEO novel Chapter 46


A clear and loud slap suddenly sounded in the restroom.

Without precaution, William felt his left face burning and his ears buzzing.

Mary's eyes were full of tears. She shook off William's hand and sneered at him, "William, this slap is for the humiliation you gave me that night! From now on, we don't owe each other anymore! I won't badger you anymore. Please stay away from me!"

After that, with her hands on the wash basin, Mary lowered her head and trembled all over.

Hearing that, William closed his eyes hard and took a deep breath. Then he opened his eyes again with an indifferent expression. "Mary, it's me who hurt you. I will promise you whatever you want except for love and marriage. I owe you this time. Please remember."

Then William turned around slowly and carried his back to her, "Kevin and Jane will be here soon. Hurry up to handle yourself well."

Mary raised her head and tears were welling up in her eyes. The blurry back of William shrank slowly in her eyes until it disappeared.

With a click, the door was closed. Standing at the door of the restroom for a long time, William didn't move. He frowned and clenched his fists, indicating that he was in extreme pain.

'Mary, I'm sorry.'

Jane and Kevin reached Floor 32 at the last second of eight o'clock.

The weird atmosphere made Jane frown.

It was a normal state. The CEO was working in the office, and Mary was scribbling in front of the desk. However, it was a cold and depressing atmosphere.

"Kevin..." Jane quietly approached Kevin and asked, "Do you feel the atmosphere in the office is strange?"

Kevin frowned. He certainly felt that there was something unusual between the CEO and Mary, but there were some things that he shouldn't ask them. "How dare you mind business of Boss? !"

"I..." Jane pouted and said, "I'm just worried about Sister Mary."

"Just mind your own business," Kevin shook his head, threw a pile of folders, and said to Jane, "Sort out these documents. They are in urgent need."

"What? !" Seeing this, Jane sat back at the desk with a sad face and stopped talking.

In the evening at the beginning of Summer, the wind was a little hot. The people in the community were talking and laughing happily.

Mary rode her scooter to the convenience store where she worked part-time. She hadn't spoken to William for a long time, and even Victor hadn't contacted her too much for avoiding any gossip. Her life seemed to return to the previous state before marriage.

But every time she thought of that night and how William took her virginity, she felt in a trance. She wondered if that slap was too easy for William.

"Peter, it's you again." Mary pushed the door open and forced a smile.

"Sister Mary!" Seeing her, Peter looked worried and asked, "Are you okay, Sister Mary?"

"Not bad."

"I saw you fall at the gate of the hospital on TV. I was so worried about you," Peter said indignantly. "Those reporters have gone too far!"

"Ha ha," said Mary with a smile, "I was too careless. I don't care about them."

"Sister Mary, you are too kind to be bullied by them."

Mary didn't say anything. If she was really a good person, she wouldn't have let the security personnel drive the reporters out of the community.

"Peter," said Mary, "Tonight is the last time I come to our store for the part-time job. You should take good care of yourself in the future."

"What..." Peter wanted her to stay very much, but he still said, "Sister Mary, you should take good care of yourself in the future too. Don't forget me..."

"Yes, I won't forget you." Mary smiled and rubbed Peter's hair.

In the Love Bar music was dynamic, and people were cheering and talking.

"Stop drinking." In the private box, Lucas grabbed the wine glass from the hand of William and said. "I just came back after paying a home visit. I was thinking about you would welcome me, but I didn't expect that you would ask me to drink with you!"

"It's the same." Then, William took the glass from Lucas's hand and said, "Drink it. Drink this glass. It's a welcome for you."

"Look at yourself, William!" Lucas frowned and said, "Since I came in, you've already drunk and said nothing else."

"What do you want me to say?" Shaking his glass, William stared at the bright red liquid and said.

"Tell me where you went the other day and why you drank alone!"

"Norway." Taking a sip of wine, William said, "I went to Norway with Frank."

"You..." "What did you do by going there?" Lucas asked nervously, grabbing the arm of William.

"What are you worried about? We haven't got our marriage license," said William, patting away Lucas's hand.


As soon as Lucas breathed a sigh of relief, he heard William continue, "But we have prepared well. We will emigrate, get our marriage certificate and get married in a year."

"William!" Lucas stood up at once, "I think you are really crazy!"

"Yeah, I'm crazy." Without refuting, William drank up the wine in his glass and said, "It's better to go to Norway than to suffer here."

"Suffer? Why are you suffering?" "Haven't all the problems in the company been solved?" Lucas asked.

"Yeah." Then William poured another glass of wine. The red wine, which used to be sweet, now only left endless bitterness in its mouth.

"Then why are you suffering?" With an angry look on his face, Lucas asked, "Do you really plan to go to Norway?"


Chapter 46 No Debt Anymore 1

Chapter 46 No Debt Anymore 2


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