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Love in Twilight novel (Clarissa and Damien) novel Chapter 177

Chapter 177 Journal “Director Conrad‘s idea is pretty good. What do you think, Clarissa?”

It looked like Damien was giving Clarissa a choice. He was, apparently, the world‘s best husband and best boss.

For the sake of her future in the audit department, Clarissa had no choice but to agree.

“I‘m not the best writer,” she said.

“I‘m not reading a novel.”

“I‘ll turn it into a day–to–day account, then.”

“Sure. Remember to hand it in every day.”

Clarissa left dejectedly. ‘Did Connie tell on me? Ugh... Why does Joseph keep causing trouble for me?‘

“Damien, are you teaching your wife a lesson again? You used me very well, didn‘t you? | bet she‘s going to hate me from now on,” Ray said through gritted teeth. “Don‘t you think you‘re really sly?”

“No, I don‘t. Get to the point.”

Clarissa went back to her office and started to work.

In time, she realized that keeping a journal was actually a pretty good idea.

Her work was all over the place, and keeping a journal helped her keep her tasks on track. It made her work much easier. Plus, recording her daily activities made it easier for her to recall when things had happened.

One day when Clarissa went to see Theresa, Theresa told Clarissa something. Her uncle had got into an accident while at work and had broken his leg. He couldn‘t go back to work even after being discharged from the hospital, and his whole family had to survive on a minimum salary of one to two thousand dollars a month.

Theresa also said, “Things aren‘t easy for your uncle, Clary. Connie may not have the best temper, but she‘s still your cousin. Try to help her if you can. She hasn‘t been kind to us, but we can‘t be cruel to her. It‘s not being stupid; it‘s the least that we can do as fellow humans.”

Clarissa agreed.

She didn‘t know where Connie had gone after leaving New East Corporation. Connie seemed to have disappeared from Genovia.

Clarissa recorded this in her journal.

That day, she went to hand in her journal to Damien. He had yet to read it after she had

placed it on his desk, and before they knew it, it was already time to go home. Clarissa saw that he had put his coat on, and they journeyed home together.


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