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Love in Twilight novel (Clarissa and Damien) novel Chapter 231

Chapter 231 What a Wonderful Name!

At New East Corporation,

Damien had taken a long time to settle his emotions after Grandpa Lawrence‘s death

He thought about everything he had done for Grandpa Lawrence Grandpa Lawrence hadn’t suffered a day under his watch. Though he had knelt down in front of others for Patrick’s sale, it was all in the past.

Damien’s assistant came to his office.

“President Lawrence, Joseph Moore is back in the country. He had a lot of luggage with him, so it looks like he probably won’t be returning to Emmeria. It’s just that…” The assistant hesitated.

“What is it?”

“It’s just that Madam came back with him. It looks like she went to an obstetrics and gynecology hospital today for her antenatal checkup,” the assistant said. Damien smiled coldly. They had returned together?

It seemed she truly couldn’t bear to leave Joseph’s side! They were going to show him how loving they were. Initially, Damien hadn’t planned on interfering with Clarissa’s life too much. He knew she was upset, so he had allowed her to go to Emmeria to calm down. She hadn’t attended the university he’d picked out for her, and he had let it go. Moreover, he hadn’t contacted her lest he startled her and caused her to go to a different university. After all, her beloved mother had passed away so suddenly, and he was willing to put up with her tantrum. However, he had not expected Joseph to go to Kortel University as well. He had thought that since Emmeria was such a huge country, there was no way they would’ve run into each other. Lo and behold, Clarissa was even pregnant with Joseph’s child now!

She had cheated on him!

This was the first time that Damien had ever felt so enraged.

He wanted nothing more than to flay Clarissa.

This time, he had forced Joseph to return to Merania so Clarissa would be alone in Emmeria Unexpectedly, she had returned with Joseph. “Do we still need to watch her?” the assistant asked.

“No.” Damien threw his lighter onto his desk Now that Theresa was dead, he could no longer control Clarissa. She could sleep with whoever she wanted and have as many kids as she wanted.

The moment Joseph got back to Merania, he made himself busy with starting up his new firm.

He often asked Clarissa for her opinion.

She had rented a single bedroom apartment and was staying on her own, but she needed someone to take care of her now that she was pregnant. Joseph was worried about her. Because she and Joseph were going to start their own firm, she hadn’t found herself another job. Anyway, most companies wouldn’t want to hire a pregnant woman.

“How are you? Did you go through with it?” Joseph asked.

“That’s out of the question. I’m having twins.” Clarissa still couldn’t help feeling mad that she was pregnant.


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