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Love in Twilight novel (Clarissa and Damien) novel Chapter 248

Chapter 248 Good Place to Hide Clarissa left Arisona Construction, sulky.

It was only three when she arrived home.

She spotted a Starbucks coffee in front of the neighborhood and told Mrs. Faber,“ Let’s get out of the car and get something to drink.”

Both of them got out of the car.

Mrs. Faber ordered a glass of hot milk for Clarissa and told her to sit by the window.

“Madam, wait for me here. Stay here while I go to the market behind us to buy some groceries. Don’t go around, okay?” After that, Mrs. Faber left to buy some groceries.

Clarissa stirred the milk with her hands, looking a little tired. Earlier, she was embarrassed by Mr. Lark’s relentless questioning. She looked down and stroked her forehead in exhaustion. She was reluctant to give up just yet.

She knew Mr. Lark wasn’t the only one who questioned her. The voices in her company group chat were still ringing clearly in her head. Maybe the words in the chat could speak for all her colleagues. Damien left work and drove to Starbucks. “Is that your wife in the cafe?” Ray, who was sitting next to Damien, asked.

Damien saw her too. “Yes.” “Did something happen?” Ray noticed Clarissa’s bad mood. She was holding her forehead and stirring the glass distractedly. She looked depressed. “I don’t know,” Damien said, before ordering the driver, “Drive.” The car drove straight into the neighborhood.

Clarissa recomposed herself after drinking her milk. She remembered the hardship she faced when she tried to get into the audit department at New East Corporation previously. The HR department rejected her resume, so she went straight to Lucas and surprisingly got a different result.

Just like what Lily said before, it was always easier to talk to the bosses and much more difficult to deal with the minions.

With that thought in mind, Clarissa searched for James’s information online. He was the president of Arisona Construction. Once she found his number on the internet, she dialed him. However, James claimed he was busy and told Clarissa to

call Mr. Lark if she needed anything.

Clarissa didn’t mention that she had already run into trouble with Mr. Lark.

As the call disconnected, Clarissa listened to the beeping noise and felt even more devastated. To James, she was just a saleswoman for a small firm. The big bosses were usually annoyed by people like her.

Mrs. Faber came back before Clarissa could finish her milk.

“Let’s go,” Clarissa said.

“Madam, you haven’t finished your drink yet.” Mrs. Faber saw a large portion of milk left in Clarissa


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