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Love in Twilight novel (Clarissa and Damien) novel Chapter 286

Chapter 286 She Was Stubborn As A Mule Ray came to Damien‘s office.

“Come to the audit department with me.” Ray sounded a little irritated.

“What‘s up? Is there something even someone with a doctorate like yourself can‘t solve?” Damien seemed to be enjoying the show.

“What‘s wrong with Lucas?! Why‘s he delaying his own company‘s work and focusing on other stuff? Doesn‘t he know what‘s more important?” Ray said with frustration as he pointed upstairs.

Damien smiled. “Why do you have to get so angry? Relax. The audit department‘s shorthanded, and I‘ve been looking around for new hires.”

“That‘s not going to help us in the short term. Is the finance department not important enough for him to work on?” Ray was furious. “Come on, let‘s go upstairs to look for him. He won‘t listen to anyone else but you.”

He wanted Damien to make Lucas see sense.

“You only need me when it comes to these things, huh?” Damien didn‘t want to go. He was busy going through the documents his secretary had passed him for signing.

“Of course! You‘re the boss, aren‘t you? Who else can I go to for things like this? You‘re the expert at putting out fires,” Ray said teasingly.

“Putting out fires?” Damien glanced at him. “I don‘t even know who‘s going to put out

my fire.”

“Drop the dirty jokes. Where‘s Clarissa?” Ray didn‘t see her around.

Earlier this morning in the conference room, he saw Clarissa dropping something off for Damien. Ray knew all too well that Damien wanted people to notice her.

Moreover, Damien had just mentioned “putting out his fire“, and it was apparent what he was referring to. It reminded Ray of Clarissa.

“Didn‘t she come here today? Why isn‘t she in your office? Has she left?” He saw that the blanket on the sofa had been folded neatly, and instantly knew Clarissa was the one who had done that.

“She hasn‘t left. She‘s upstairs practicing yoga.”

“All the more reason you should come to Lucas‘ office with me. The yoga studio is on the way there, and the door‘s made of glass,” Ray said.

“No. Deal with it yourself.” Damien leaned back, his eyes still trained on his documents.

“If I could, why would I be here? You need to go take him down a peg or two!” After that, Ray walked over to Damien and swiveled his chair around. “I know you want to

Chapter 296 She Was Stubbarn AL A Mule

see Clarissa. If you don‘t come with me, I won‘t come up with any more excuses for you.”

“I can see her any time I want to.” Damien looked serious, but he still got to his feet.


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