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Love in Twilight novel (Clarissa and Damien) novel Chapter 322

Chapter 322 She Still Felt Down

“What is it? Don‘t keep it all to yourself! You can share it with us,” Rebecca urged.

And so, Clarissa told them everything. She explained every single detail from the start to the finish, including the report she had received.

She also told them her concerns and suspicions; that Damien probably modified the closing statement so Madelynn wouldn‘t have to take on any responsibilities for what had happened. Joseph was listening silently on the side all the while.

“What‘s wrong with that man?! He knew how terrible of a person she was, and still insisted on helping her. I‘d be pissed too if that happened to me!” Rebecca crossed her arms in anger.” What right does Madelynn have to run away from her crimes this easily?!” “Well... I can‘t blame him.” Clarissa took a sip of her milk.

However, the sight of Madelynn looking so happy and blissful stung Clarissa. She felt it was simply injustice!

“I’m always one call away if you need to talk to someone, Clarissa.” Joseph held Clarissa‘s hands abruptly to console her. “You don‘t need to take on everything yourself.”

Joseph heard and saw a lot of incidents of mothers losing their fetuses due to depression.

“Okay, I will.” Clarissa brushed her bangs away from her face.. “That‘s right, Clarissa. Always remember that we‘re your friends,” Rebecca added, looking at Clarissa seriously. Clarissa was so touched that she repeated “Okay” three times. “So, where are you two working now?” Clarissa asked, changing the topic. “Me? Are you still worried about me? It‘s not as bad as you think I‘m working together with Rebecca again,” Joseph replied. “It seems like nothing‘s changed.” Clarissa could only smile wryly. “Yes. Stil... You take care of yourself, okay?” Joseph held her hands again. Instinctively, Clarissa pulled her hands away from him. “I will, don‘t worry.” After the two left, Clarissa spent a little bit more time in the coffee shop alone before returning home with Mrs. Faber. “You met with Joseph today?” Damien asked as soon as he returned home. He was taking his blazer ofl.

That stunned Clarissa. “Did Mrs. Faber tell you that? Rebecca came too.”


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