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Love in Twilight novel (Clarissa and Damien) novel Chapter 393

Chapter 393 You’re Somewhat Obedient, but Not Very Willing Damien noticed how depressed Clarissa looked

“Is there anything in this world that you can’t do?” She sounded discouraged. Was there any point in her furthering her studies?

“You flatter me.” He smiled.

Damien was an experienced driver. Even in Emmeria, he drove around like he knew the place like the back of his hand, Clarissa, on the other hand, was lost. She didn’t even know where they were

In that instant, she felt like she was nothing but a fool to him.

He bought her a scarf.

It was brown and thick, and even had a Winnie the Pooh pattern sewn on it. It wasn’t too expensive, either–about three hundred dollars.

Clarissa loved it, though. She kept admiring it in the mirror.

Damien couldn’t understand this. Why did she like something so immature?

She was already an adult.

After buying the scarf, the sky was starting to turn dark. They headed back to the car.

Clarissa kept looking at the scarf, looking overjoyed.

Damien honestly couldn’t understand her.

They had dinner before heading home. When they got home, it was around eight.

Yonah saw the scarf wrapped around Clarissa’s neck when she opened the door for them. She asked, “Did your lover buy that for you?” “Oh, shush.” Clarissa didn’t want to admit it, but she quite liked Yonah referring to Damien as her lover. In comparison to the property and money he had given her, this scarf was more like an actual gift couples would get each other. Money and property meant nothing to her. She glanced at her watch, feeling excited. She would be able to see Neil soon.


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