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Love in Twilight novel (Clarissa and Damien) novel Chapter 60

Chapter 60 She Knew She Had No Right Clarissa stayed in the Lawrence residence for several more days. One day, Damien informed her that his grandfather’s birthday would arrive soon.

“Are we throwing a huge party for Grandpa? What should I do?” Clarissa asked seriously. “What Grandpa hates most is wasting money on grandeur. The three of us will be the only oncs celebrating that day together.”

Clarissa went to take a look at the calendar, only to realize that it was a Sunday. On Friday night, she specifically went to the mall to preorder a massage bed for Damien’s grandfather. The massage bed would be sent to the mansion on Sunday.

Clarissa even planned to whip up a seast for the old man. On Saturday night, Damien tormented her in bed until it was past midnight, causing her to sleep in as a result. She finally woke up at ten o’clock in the morning the next day.

Clarissa stood near the stairs sleepily, having noticed Grandpa Lawrence sitting in the living room. There was a bowl of noodles on the table.

She initially thought that the caretaker made this for him.

Just as she arrived downstairs, Madelynn could be seen walking out with a plate of cooked fish. She was wearing an apron and a pair of indoor slippers.

“Oh? You’ve just woken up, huh? Have you forgotten that today is Grandpa Lawrence’s birthday?” Madelynn said in a joking manner. “….” Clarissa was about to relort that she didn’t forget about the auspicious day, but she realized that she barely did a thing today since she had just woken up.

“Grandpa” Knowing that she had woken up late, Clarissa shot Grandpa Lawrence an apologetic look.

He smiled kindly at her “It’s fine if you don’t remember my birthday. Clary. This is only the first year.”

Clarissa knew that Grandpa Lawrence didn’t have much time to live. Perhaps there wouldn’t be a second or a third birthday to celebrate in the future.

To think she had missed out a good chunk of the most important birthday just by sleeping in…

That thought made her heart go heavy with regret and sorrow.

“It’s all right. I know you care about my birthday, Clary. Don’t think too much about it. I wasn’t able to finish my noodles in the morning, so you can help me finish them. You must be hungry since you haven’t had any breakfast you. Both you and Damien are still very young, so I completely understand your situation,” Grandpa Lawrence continued patiently.

Naturally, Clarissa knew what he meant when he claimed that lie knew her situation. Tears brimmed in her cyes, but she refused to let them fall. She replied bashfully, “Grandpa…”

Al that moment, Madelynn exited the kitchen with another dish in her hands. She noticed how close Grandpa Lawrence and Clarissa were, and had cavesdropped on their conversation.

Upon listening to their words, her expression became stormy in an instant.

Then again, she was an aciress, She quickly dispelled that expression and replaced it with a bright simile

around instinctively, noticing liat Damien was

“Where’s my husband?” Clarissa look nowhere to be seen.

She said those three words out loud on purpose for Madelynn to hear.


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