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Love in Twilight novel (Clarissa and Damien) novel Chapter 78

Chapter 78 Stop Seducing My Wife Damien stormed into Josepli’s office and slammed several documents on the latter’s table without saying a word.

Shocked, Joseph reached for the documents. They were evidence of how Frank colluded with several otlier companies in an aticinpt lo topple Damieni’s (atlier in the business world.

Foar rose in Joseph the more he flipped through the pages. “Don’t force me to submit these to the courl,” Damien said calmly as he sat opposite Joseph. Joseph’s face was chalk white. He knew this evidence was enough to send his father to fall for at least twenty years. “Is this about Clarissa’s decision to work in my company?” Joseph asked. Everyone in Genovia was already aware of Damien’s initiative to build a new audit department at his company. Joseph, on the other hand, suspected that Damien was building it for Clarissa. Now that Damien was here threatening to destroy his family, Joseph’s suspicions turned out to be true after all.

“I don’t think I nced to tell you what to do from now on, right?” Damien narrowed his eyes as he shot a threatening glare at Joseph).

While Joseph admittedly harbored romantic feelings for Clarissa, his father’s well-being was ultimately far more important than fleeting emotions.

“Aren’t you in a contract marriage with Clarissa?” Joseph asked. He thought Luke was telling him the truth.

“Contract marriage?” Damien reached for a cigarette and said, “If that’s true, I wouldn’t be here demanding you to know your place.”

Damien’s words made sense to Joseph.

“Alright, I understand.” Joseph’s heart sank.

It didn’t matter whether they were in a contract marriage or not. What mattered was that they were a certified couple on paper.

Upon receiving Joseph’s answer, Damien was prepared to leave. But before he exited the office, he paused and hollered, “Also… Stop seducing my wife!”

Joseph was stunned, so much that he didn’t know what to say. As long as their marriage was legally binding. Joseph knew he would always be the third wheel in their relationship.

It was a bad day for Clarissa, and her mood was completely ruined.

The moment she returned from the cafe, she received an email from HR stating, “Thank you for submitting your resume for the job post. We are sorry to inform you that your credentials are far from the requirements and you fail to proceed to the next round. I liope you will try again in the near future.”

The word ‘fail’ dampened her spirits instantly.

Even with Damien’s help, she still couldn’t get past the first round. It seemed Lucas’s

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Right after that, the level another sonnage from Junepli.

Josep Irlarissa, I heard on Rebecca that you’ve cluced ljub ofluran ler anstatanti Neill want to thank you for your interest in our company. All the best to your future updovore


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