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Love Is Fair by Kerri novel Chapter 202

Chapter 202

Owen suddenly recalled that three years ago on the highway, when he learned of the Brown family’s accident, he hurriedly rushed from the branch office to North City. However, halfway there, he received a breakup call from Eliza. She said in tears, “Owie, I’m sorry, I love you very much, but in order to save the Brown family, there is no way for me to be with you anymore. You can ask Auntie Polly to cut us some slack Let’s break up.” Without waiting for him to say anything, Eliza hung up the phone and when he called back again, it was switched off. In fact, he wanted to tell her that even if they were to break up, he wanted it to be done face-to-face to show respect to each other. At that moment, his girlfriend’s abandonment, and thinking of his domineering mom, both made Owen feel like he reached the lowest point in his life. When he reached the fork in the road, he didn’t slow down, and a lorry, also without slowing down, crashed straight into him –

Bang! Dazed and confused, he saw himself as a child. His parents arguing endlessly, his father slamming the door, his mother shaking with anger, breaking everything in the house that she

could, and the loud crackling outside like firecrackers on New Year’s Eve……. If this was New Year’s Eve, then his family, every day, was New Year’s Eve. When it came to home education, his father had no say in the matter. His mother was very strict with him, and he didn’t know if she was

going to take it out on him, but after every fight with his lather, she would come to check his homework. If he got a word wrong, or a question, he would be severely chastised. After a beating, his mother would throw the cane aside, hold him by the shoulders and order him in an extremely stern tone that he must excel. “You must do whatever it takes to become the best in the Moore family and get back all the face I lost with your father! Do you hear me? My son, Owen Moore, must be a dragon among men!” As a child, Owen longed for his father’s love and feared his mother’s. As he grew up, he had no idea what love was, no one loved him and he could not love anyone. The only woman who loved him had also abandoned him for the sake of her family. In the end, he was still the one who can be abandoned at will. To die, in fact, was not such a difficult thing to do. He was badly injured, resuscitated three times and given more than a dozen of critical illness notices until Dr. Grace arrived and turned

everything around. His body came back to life, but his heart did not. He was lying in bed, unconscious and unable to care for himself like a living dead man, thinking that it would be better to die than to live with such a broken body. But his family refused, and so did his care worker. After he once suffered from urinary incontinence, he pleaded with his care worker, almost red-eyed. “Please let me be euthanised, so that I can be relieved and so can you.” The carer, whose name was Hailey Byrne, replied to him like this, “Do you think death is a relief? No, death is just an escape, because everyone knows that it is the living that is the hardest.” She not only reasoned with him but also began to read books for him. She read Stray Birds, To Live, and Ordinary World, and other poems, depending on her mood. Her voice was clear and pleasant, not an announcer’s voice, but very rich in emotion, and when she read, she could always convey her


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