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Love Is Fair by Kerri novel Chapter 216

Chapter 216 Desperate Fighting The night was dark, and the pouring rain had wiped off the blood in the yard. Edwards Mansion had been occupied by the men in black who are standing guard at close intervals, so the not-so-big manor looked crowded now. Newell buttoned his clothes, banged on the door, and shouted, “Luca, come out!”

Luca was making out with Candice in the bedroom. He had prepared some sex tools, planning to play some new tricks. Hearing his father shouting, he was so frightened that his penis suddenly softened. He hurriedly stuffed the tools under the blanket and replied, “Dad, what’s wrong? I’ve already gone to bed.” “Stop talking nonsense! Get out right away! We’re in trouble!” Hearing Newell’s anxious voice, Candice hurriedly took off her sailor suit and put on her normal clothes. And then, she urged Luca to go out to take a look and said, “Is Eve making trouble again?” As Luca put on his pants, he said disdainfully, “She is tied up and gagged. She even cannot move. How can she make trouble?” He was telling the truth, but Candice was still worried and said, “Eve is easy to deal with, but her cousin Hailey is a hard nut to crack. Maybe she came here?” “impossible!” Luca retorted without thinking, “She won’t come. Their relationship isn’t good. Even if Eve dies, Hailey may not spare her a look… Did Eve tell you that I had chased after Hailey before? Are you jealous, Huh?” While speaking, he stepped forward, pressed Candice’s butt, and then kissed her Candice didn’t refuse but wrapped her hands around his neck, bit his earlobe, and whispered, “Baby, I am prone to jealousy…” “You’re sultry.” Luca raised his eyebrows and said, ”But I love it! When he was turned on again, Chairman Edwards who had waited outside for a long time couldn’t bear it any longer, so he slammed on the door and shouted, “You brat! I told you we’re in trouble! Why are you still wasting time on that woman? I will kick the door open if you don’t come out right away!”

“Fine!” Luca hurried outward but was slapped by her father as soon as he opened the door He covered his face and asked, “Why did you hit me, Dad? Is there anything urgent?” Newell glared at him and said, “It can’t be more urgent! You bastard! Go down with me right away! Hailey is here!” Luca was confused to hear that, wondering why she had come. When they went downstairs in a hurry, Hailey was sitting leisurely on the sofa, dozing off.

She was pretty when she was taking a nap, looking quiet and sweet. Luca had been still flirting with his new girlfriend just now, but as soon as he saw Hailey, he completely forgot about Eve and Candice. Hailey was indeed his cup of tea. He liked her very much and often thought of her. He could not forget her although he had been refused. “Hailey, what brought you here?” He walked toward the sofa with a look of surprise, waking Hailey up. “Hailey, welcome!” Newell instantly began to act. He pushed his son away, walked toward her, and said, “You should have informed me before you came. If so, I would have prepared something to welcome you! Sorry for my poor entertainment…” While he was speaking, he leaned forward to shake Hailey’s hand, but Old K blocked his way with his big body and lightly pushed him, causing him to take a few steps back. This was a little embarrassing. Candice and Isolde also went downstairs arm in arm. When Isolde saw so many men in black, her face paled in shock

“What are you doing? Who allowed you to come in? You are trespassing on private property. We can call the police! Security! Hurry up! Drive these people out!” When her sharp voice echoed in the villa, no one responded, so the scene became more embarrassing. After a long time, Chris broke the embarrassment and said, “Sorry for visiting you late at night. Ms. Newman came here for a simple purpose. We heard Ms. Eva Newman is imprisoned by you, so we want to bring her back As soon as you give her to us, we will immediately leave Edwards Mansion so as not to disturb you more.” Hearing this, all the members of the Edwards family turned to look at Hailey. Unexpectedly, she had fallen asleep again with her hands behind her head. It seemed she did not take them seriously at all! Seeing this, Isolde flew into a rage. When she was about to go forward to scold Hailey, Candice grabbed her wrist and smiled softly, “Aunt Isolde, calm down. Please take a seat first.” Helping Isolde sit down on the sofa, Candice took a few steps forward with a gentle smile on her innocent face and said, “Ms. Newman,

there may be some misunderstanding in this matter. We didn’t imprison Eve. She came here by herself with a pregnancy test stick and a pregnancy test report and said Luca is the father of the baby in her belly. Luca told her that since they have divorced, they should cut off their relationship cleanly, No matter whether the baby in her belly was his or not, he wants her to abort it, and the Edwards family will pay for the surgery. However, Eve retused, She even threatened us with the baby in her belly and insisted on staying here. There was

nothing we can do about it.”


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