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Love Is Fair by Kerri novel Chapter 226

Chapter 225 The Newinans Were All Ruthless “Look!” Henson proudly showed the phone page to Owen, “Owen, you have to learn to speak like this so that Hailey will think it’s me, or you will be caught.” Owen was leaning against the deskwith a cigarette in his mouth. His edashes tremble when he saw her reply. [I’ll give it to you for

frec.] Hailey was very generous to this bastard. Denson hurriedly replied with a lossing emoji and then pointed to the message he sent to teach his old-fashioned brother, “Look at your

previous sentence. It’s too blunt. You should make it look more lively and cute.” Owen glanced at it and thought it was childish But he still nodded, “Yeah” He secretly kept it in mind. “Also, it’s suspicious to suddenly say nice things to someone Owen think about it carefully, when dolusually take the initiative to send you a message?” Benson asked patiently. Owen said blankly. “When you have no money, or you are in trouble, ordineala pod bating” Benson was speechless. He mittered, “Although is is true, you makeine sound souseless.. Anyway. I contact Hailey usually at such times. So if you suddenly send her something weird, such asa weather forecast, of express your concerns bluntly, it’s csy for you to expose yourselt. But look, add a few small requiredits and conditions at the end, and Hailey will know that it must e, and she will not doubt you.” Hepattel Owen’s aim and said, “Owen, to be honest, Huiley is much more nerous than you. If only she were my sister! Owen gave him a cool look and said, “Do you think you’re so lucky? His brother wanted to beliis brother-in-law. He wasdaydreamin! Benson scratched his head and said, “I think I’m very lucky….” Oven didn’t want to listen tolus nonsense, so he just kick hinawy. “Hickolt.” Benson complained in a low voice, “How can you kick down the ladder!” It wasn’t until her threw a new iPhone into his hand that he shut up he put on a big smile and left quickly, “I wish you get back with Hailey as soon as possible. Goodbye!” When Jose knocked on the door with a pile of documents and entered the nice, he saw Owen holding his phone in a date and sliphtly

Irowtuing He looked so serious as if he was thinking about a big business of tens of Nilions. Nowven if it wils a big business of tens of billions, Owen wouldn’t be very happy when the deal was closed. He usually had a little expression on his face Only when it came to things involving his family or Hailey would his emotions luctuate “Mr. Moore ” Jose stepped forward to report, “The jade fragments have been delivered to the museum. When do you think thejade carving masters will be invited to officially launch the ‘Never Lose and Never Forget’ project?” Owen finally stoppet looking at his phone. He put it away and restored his calmness. “Have you sent the contract to Mr. Newsan?” ‘Yes. It has already been sent. According to his requirements, after the completion of this project, half of all the proceeds must be distributed to Ms. Newman… Hall of the project’s proceeds, will it be too much?” Josefelt that the Newtans were all ruthless, and it was a robbery. In the past, he had felt that Mr. Moore was bossy and domineering enough. But the Newman family was even worse Owen looked calmand said lightly, “Not much. Those broken jade fragments cannot be recovered without Mr. Newman. As for the Puerds, it can be taken froin my account.” Josebad expected such a result. After all, it was private. He immediately nouded.

Al Poya, it was a sunny day, but suddenly it started to pain. There was a burst of lightning and thunder. Haley and the others were still resting in the cate, discussing matters related to the racecourse. Theliyhts in the room suddenly lickered aw s, and then went out. Tema t ofthe racecourse hurried over from the raincurtain,wrune his hands, and reported to Halley and Matthew, saying that the Circuit wasting rere tolay, and it couldn’t loon because of the understonn. So they might have to wait for the rain to stop belore he could be the power back on Huiley didn’t ry, She just asked the course manager to ensure the safety of the stall Matthew added with a smile, “Safety Dirst.”

Thenheuwath and peel ureclumbing up the ladilar and reichun, for the bird’s nestarthe top of the bookcase on tiptoe. The ladder was sluding and it could call at any time His expression chang e rushed over to support the ladder. Then he looked up at Catherine, and said angrily, “What are you doin:


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