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Love Is Fair by Kerri novel Chapter 270

Chapter 270

Hailey and Sofia’s phones were locked in the closet, so no wonder Owen and Jared couldn’t call them. Bob boldly guessed, “Could it be

that Sisters-in-law knew you were here and didn’t want to see you, so they left?”

Owen and Jared said in unison, “Nonsense!”

Bob didn’t dare to say anything.

Owen held Hailey’s mobile phone in his left hand, and a bag where her clothes were and her bag in his right hand. His handsome face was

dark, and he frowned. Jared was the same as Owen. Even if the women really didn’t want to see Owen and Jared, they couldn’t discard

their phones, and didn’t wear their own clothes and just left. Although they were vixenish, they were not willful people. They couldn’t do

such a stupid thing.

Owen and Jared kept an eye on the safety video, and wanted to find all traces about Hailey and Sofia. They finally appeared in the video,

were when they talked and laughed in the corridor. They both wore cartoon pajamas. Hailey was wearing white pajamas with a little

yellow duck, while Sofia was wearing pink pajamas with Winnie, and they looked like two innocent students. Normally, they would

definitely appreciate these cute and childish outfits, but at this moment, Owen and Jared didn’t have any interest. Owen and Jared knew

the direction Hailey and Sofia went, because they experienced it. The direction was towards open-air hot spring pools.

At this time, a young lady interrupted, “Can’t you find your girlfriends?” Owen and Jared ignored her. The young lady added, “I have seen


Owen and Jared raised their heads together, “Have you seen them? Where?”

The young lady startled by them, “Just, in the hot spring pool zone. They went to the ginseng private soup, and I went to buy pajamas with

them, but they didn’t buy the expensive ones, and just chose two cheap ones. I was still wondering why they could experience ginseng

private soup, but they couldn’t afford expensive pajamas. Girls always paid attention to weird things.

Jared listened impatiently, “Then? Where did they go?!”

Owen pulled him, knowing that they couldn’t be in a hurry at this time Owen tried his best to Calm Jared down and appease the frightened

young lady. “Don’t worry, and just think about it, and speak slowly.”

The young lady was relaxed and said, “Then I saw them go to the open-air hot spring pool, but I heard that they were going to take a

sauna, so I wonder if they were lost” She just knew these. Although she thought the two men were handsome, they were really terrifying,

so she ran away quickly

Owen and Jared were very worried, and they almost rummaged through the open-air hot spring pool. How could they do if they couldn’t

find Hailey and Sofia? At this time, a couple came to check out and complained, “Your open-air hot spring pool is too bad, and there are

even people fighting. It was so noisy that we came out earlier than our expected time”

Bob happened to be at the front desk and he smiled gently, “I’m so sorry. Is there a fight? Maybe there’s an argument between the couple,

and it’s normal…”


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