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Love Is Fair by Kerri novel Chapter 312

Chapter 312 Love Required Working Together

Hailey squeezed the two knee pads. The corners of her mouth twitched and she smiled embarrassedly.

“Please thank her for me, but will Karl allow me to use them?”

Hearing her question, all her brothers raised their heads, looking nervous.

Brook said first, “I wouldn’t dare to use them anyway. If I dare to wear knee pads when I’m punished, Karl might make me stay on my knees for a year.”

“Hmph, you’re being too optimistic.”

Kyle said, “Do you think a year is enough? He can make you do it for the rest of your life until your legs are broken.”

Brook suddenly had a jolt.

Suddenly, he felt that this time, Karl had been kind to him by simply taking away his sports car and giving him a scolding.

Hailey was so scared that she shoved the knee pads into Randal’s hand. “Then I’d better not wear them.”

If she pissed Karl off again, she wouldn’t be able to get away with it. She didn’t want to get a good lesson when she arrived in Engese.

Jared was in a bad mood and he was all agitated.

“Why not? You have to be on your knees for four hours. You don’t want to lose your knees, do you? Just put them on and stop chattering!”

With that, he grabbed the knee pads in Randal’s hand, dragged Hailey over, bent down, and put them on for her without saying another word.

Then, he waved his hand. “All right, go ahead.”

Hailey was speechless.

“Thank you so much,” she thought.

Hailey moved to the portraits of her parents with the knee pads on. She was about to kneel down when Randal

said, “Wait.”

He pulled one, two, three, four cushions out from under the table and stacked them on top of each other.

“That’s pretty much it.”

Randal gestured that Hailey could kneel now.

“Isn’t it a bit too much to cheat like this?”

Hailey was worried.

Randal smiled gently. “It’s okay. You will always be the one who can enjoy the privilege in our family. Even if Karl blames you, we’ll take care of it. Don’t worry.”

Jared, Kyle, and Brook nodded at her in unison as they sat on the couch.

Hailey found it heartwarming. She knelt on the cushions and bent down to give two kowtows to her parents

before straightening up and kneeling upright.

As soon as she did, her brothers picked up their phones and started taking pictures of Hailey.

Hailey glared at them. “What are you doing?”

Randal said, “My sister looks so good on her knees.”

Jared said, “I’m recording it.”

Kyle said, “I’m taking a memorial.”

Brook said, “Ditto.”

Hailey didn’t know what to say.

They weren’t like her brothers at all!

Kneeling was one of the most boring things you could do.

As a child, Hailey hated such punishment as “standing” or “kneeling”. She thought it would be better to get a


However, like her mother, Karl knew very well how to deal with her impetuous nature.

Hailey knelt here with a sad face. As she looked at her brothers who were playing with their phones, watching videos, or playing games on the couch, she felt that they were really too much.

They said they came to keep her company, and they simply came to “keep her company”.

She closed her eyes and tried to ignore them.

After all, according to Karl’s rules, she would have to write something after the punishment. It was called

self-criticism, which required at least 3000 words. Therefore, she would need to work out a draft in her mind before she could write.

In fact, it was not all her fault. She might have taken a bit of a risk, but it was worth it. As they said, “Nothing ventured, nothing gained…”


Hailey shook her head. Karl wouldn’t be happy if she wrote something like that, so she should stop making excuses and admit her mistakes honestly.

Hailey imagined all kinds of things and worked out a draft in her mind. She opened her eyes to check the time.

To her surprise, it had been just one hour!

Why was time going by so slowly?

Love Is Fair By Kerri Chapter 312 1

Love Is Fair By Kerri Chapter 312 2


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