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Love Is Fair by Kerri novel Chapter 314

Chapter 314 A Handsome Captain

It was an international flight with all kinds of people from different countries, and most of them were Conglish passengers.

Hailey and her bodyguards took their seats in first class. One of the bodyguards sat beside Hailey and the other sat behind Hailey, watching out for all kinds of people and protecting her to the hilt.

“You guys don’t have to be so nervous.”

Hailey pulled out a book from her backpack and said to the bodyguards, “Be calm and pay attention to your expressions.”

She made a “check mark” gesture below her lips, showing a smile.

Perhaps because she would see Karl in 12 hours, Hailey looked cheerful and light-hearted, as if she were a young girl again.

The black-clad bodyguards did as they were told. They each forced a smile. “Ho ho.”

It was the best smile they could give.

“Well, I know you guys have done your best.”

Hailey couldn’t help but shake her head. “It’s all Old K’s fault. He’s too strict with you guys.”

The bodyguards were twin brothers. The older one was named Aleft and the younger one was named Aright. Old K took them as apprentices from an orphanage and trained them personally.

Sitting on Hailey’s right, Aleft said to his brother Aright, “Go and check to see if there’s anything wrong with the plane.”

Aright responded, said a few words to the chief stewardess, and left the cabin.

Aleft asked for the list of people on this flight to see if there was anything different from the previous

investigation. He was trained to scan through it quickly and he remembered all the names of the more than 300 people on the plane.

That was what Old K had told them to do before they left. They didn’t dare make any mistakes, because Ms.

Newman’s safety was more important than anything else.

There was no room for error.

Hailey actually wanted to say that there would be no problem with the flight arranged by Karl himself, so she hoped that they would not be so nervous as if they were facing some terrible enemies.

It was said that the pilots who flew the plane today were former bomber pilots in the army. They were experienced, so there was no need to be worried at all.

However, it was the first time for them to travel with her after all, so it was inevitable that they would be


Hailey couldn’t help but feel curious.

Karl said he had arranged for someone to pick her up, but she didn’t know exactly who that person was, so she couldn’t wait to meet the “friend” Karl had talked about.

After quite a while, she didn’t see anyone coming. No more passengers came into first class, so Karl must have booked all the seats there.

No, they were not booked. It seemed that this airline was the property of the Ingram family.

“Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to this flight. Please pay attention to the following safety instructions…”

A stewardess announced bilingually that the plane was about to take off and asked the passengers to fasten

their seatbelts, stow their tray tables, and turn their cell phones off or put them into flight mode.

Hailey sent some messages to Karl. “The plane is about to take off.”

“Why hasn’t the guy you got to pick me up shown up yet?”

“Is he waiting for me at the airport in Bormintam?”

Before Karl replied, a cold, stern voice sounded above her head. “The plane is about to take off. Please put your phone away.”

Hailey looked up and saw a tall man standing there. He was in a captain’s uniform with a crew cut, about 188 meters. He had a body of a model but looked masculine and cold.

His eyes were so deep and stern that even a calm glance from him would make people feel intimidated.

He was so cold that the two bodyguards were affected and subconsciously tried to protect Hailey.

Hailey looked at the man. With his appearance, figure, and aura, he didn’t look like an ordinary airplane pilot, but

a soldier, and not an ordinary soldier.

She was not intimidated and simply said, “Thank you.”

Love Is Fair By Kerri Chapter 314 1

Love Is Fair By Kerri Chapter 314 2


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