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Love Is Fair by Kerri novel Chapter 37

Chapter 037 Argument Is Futile

For Hailey, argument was futile, so her principle was to handle matters physically if necessary.

She could lecture her sister in order to correct her wrong habit, but she was not in the mood to knock sense into an outsider’s head.

Now that she was in a bad mood, and someone was getting on her nerves, she would not just sit around and be ridiculed.

The music in the venue coupled with the chatters of the guests were very noisy, so no one noticed the commotion in the corner at first. However, the girls who were gossiping were screaming and wailing loudly as if they had been utterly

shocked by such an abrupt incident.

Thanks to these clamorous ladies, Hailey, who had always been low-key, suddenly became the center of attention. Everyone turned to look in her direction, and the nosy ones even gathered around them.

The young lady, who had been splashed with wine and had been knocked on her head with the glass, was the only one who had not shouted. She was

almost dumbfounded. She swallowed the wine that had been poured into her mouth and stammered, “W-W-Who are you?” The guests who attended tonight’s dinner were rich and powerful. Even

celebrities had to be at least B-list stars. The young lady was a recently famous B-list actress. She had been in the entertainment circle for more than ten years, so she had learned the ability to observe people’s expressions and demeanor.

Although she was very frightened, she knew that she was in the disadvantage when she saw Hailey’s outfit. Whether it was the Haute Couture jumpsuit or the emerald pendant on Hailey’s neck, she couldn’t afford it even if she worked as

an actress for the rest of her life.

“You don’t even know me, yet you dare to speak ill of me behind my back. Are

you one of those who know nothing fear nothing, or have you borrowed courage from the almighty?”

This time, Hailey showed mercy. Although it looked rather scary as she smashed the glass on the lady’s head, and the glasses scattered everywhere, neither of the broken glass pieces scratched her face or head.

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She knew how important the physical outlook was for women.

The actress thought for a moment and immediately came back to her senses. “A-A-A-Are you Miss Hailey Newman?”

As soon as she called out her name, the crowd suddenly let out a burst of noise, and their eyes fixed on Hailey, whom they had heard and mentioned her name over and over again. After putting two and two together, they suddenly came to the same conclusion. So this was First Young Lady of the Newmans.

She seemed to be more beautiful than the rumors had described her.

The ladies who were with the actress were either rookie actresses in the entertainment industry and the anonymous socialites in Poya. They assumed that they knew a lot about the Newmans after meeting Eve and spoke to her for a bit. For them, Hailey was a legendary figure.

In the past, Crystaldale Company was indeed the most powerful in Poya and was at the top of the social pyramid. However, in recent years, they had declined. What was there to be afraid of about the heir of the company that was about to go bankrupt?

The influencer, who was close to Eve, stepped forward and bellowed, “What right do you have to hit her?! This is a dinner party organized by Zero Hour! Aren’t you afraid of offending the Kirkland family by making a scene? I’m Mr. Brook’s friend. I’m gonna ask him to call the security guards and kick you out of here!”

The influencer was not tall, but she had a real temper.

As she took the lead, the other ladies began to stand upright and barked, “She’s right! How can you pour wine on her face just like that? Where are your manners? Is this how the First Young Lady of the Newmans supposed to behave?”

At this moment, it seemed like they were going to gang up on Hailey.

Owen and Matthew walked out from the backstage and watched the entire

drama from the beginning to the end. They had also heard the gossips those ladies were talking about, so they didn’t stop her when Hailey went forward to teach those ladies a lesson. However, seeing that Hailey was becoming a target, they decided that it was time for them to take action.


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