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Love Is Fair by Kerri novel Chapter 45

Chapter 045 Fatal Attraction

Matthew sat on the swivel chair and turned around while checking out Hailey’s office and clicking his tongue.

“Your office’s interior looks a little old-fashioned and dull. It’s like what an office of an old man in his forties would look like.”

Matthew looked at the furnishings of the traditional furniture and some ragged antique paintings. “My ex is an interior designer. I’ll recommend her to you. Renovate this room.”

“No, thanks.”

Hailey looked at the information Chris handed her and grunted without raising

her head, “Number one, don’t question and judge my taste. Number two, if a man in his forties is an old man, you are middle-aged now Number three, you

are already annoying, so keep your exes out of my sight I’m not as idle as you. I have other things to do.”

Matthew touched his lips and looked at Chris. “Hey, does your boss always talk

like that? Counting one, two, three, and stating everything clearly? Does she have some obsession over numbers or something?”

Seeing that Hailey didn’t say anything, Chris replied to Matthew, “No. Miss Newman will only do this to you, Mr. Holland.” “Is that so? So, does it mean that I’m quite special?” Instead of feeling humiliated, he was proud.

Chris silently closed his mouth and could not help but want to roll his eyes at him.

“You ARE quite special.” Hailey put away the folder, looked up at Matthew, and

said, “You’re very shameless.” “Aw, I’m only shameless when I’m with a pretty woman.” Matthew grinned. Hailey simply rolled her eyes. She looked at the time and changed her high heels to a flat one as she urged, “Let’s go.” Just as she was about to go out, a figure in dark blue clothes appeared out of nowhere and stood in front of her.

Today, Owen was wearing a dark blue suit with dark stripes. His tall and

Chapter 49 Falai MILLION

straight figure emphasized the high-quality bespoke suit. Hailey knew his taste in fashion and clothes. He did not like the ready-made luxury brands in the shopping malls. All his suit were hand-made. It was not very expensive material, and the style was even a little outdated, but it felt extremely comfortable when he wore it. Only he could make a normal suit look like it was a Haute Couture suit. Nobility, charismatic, and elegance were vividly reflected in him. Just now, Hailey did not even bat an eye on him when they were at downstairs. Now that he appeared in front of her abruptly, it made her feel absent-minded

and apprehensive for a moment. “Oh, did you come up by yourself? We were just about to go down.” Matthew called out to Owen. “How did you get up here?” Hailey frowned unhappily. Chris was also shocked and interrogated his staff about their negligence. How could they let someone in without an appointment?! The assistants of the president’s office apologized again and again. Witnessing the scene, Abby knew that she had caused trouble again and quickly explained, “I’m sorry, Miss Newman. I thought that he had an appointment, so I took the initiative to take him here… Please, it’s all my fault. Please don’t blame my sister.”

Chloe Thomas, the executive assistant, was sweating profusely and wanted to knock some sense into Abby’s head. “Is she your sister?” Hailey looked at Chloe. “Yes! I’m sorry, Miss Newman. I didn’t guide her well. I promise this won’t happen again!” Chloe bowed and apologized. Hailey quipped expressionlessly, “If I remember correctly, this is the second time she has done something like this. Your precious little sister was the one who called last time to ask for an appointment, right?”

“Y-Y-Yes.’ Chloe bowed her head so low that she almost kissed her own waist.


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