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Love Is Fair by Kerri novel Chapter 6

Chapter 006 Owen Made A Wedding Announcement Hailey wanted to settle the accounts with them one by one, but she didn’t mindif they wanted to pay her back in one go.

As soon as Morgan heard Hailey's words, his pupils narrowed, and he had a bad feeling After being in the business industryfor many years, Morgan had an intuition that he should not act rashly before figuring out Hailey's trump card.

Seeing Hailey return three years after they announced her death, Morgan could not help but feel that she was different from before.

It seemed as if she had

become another person.

Her whole aura was gloomy, just like his ruthless big brother, who was also Hailey’s father.

He smiled stiffly.

"Hailey, we don't mind moving out, but you should at least give us some time.

I mean, just look at the amount of things that we have.” Hailey looked at Morgan, who had returned to his usual hypocritical self when hewas with her father, and smiled coldly in her heart.

Clearly, he knew that Hailey and her father were soft-hearted and that they would never exterminate them.


I will give you time." Hailey did not force them to leave immediately.

Now that she was back, it would be up to their capability to live a steady life.

The moment she turned to walk toward her room, a vase fell to the ground and was in herway.

After Hailey picked it up, she glanced at the vase.

Seeing that, Morgan seized the opportunity to come over and please her.

"Hailey, this is a precious vase, and I spent a lot of money to get it.

It is said that it was used by King Theodric's beloved concubine, Melinda Reeves, for her flower arrangements.

If you like it, I will reluctantly part with it and give it to you.” Hailey’s red lips curled up in ridicule as she casually threw it away.

The next second, the vase fell to the ground with a crisp sound, shattering into pieces.

Just as Morgan was mourning over his broken vase, he heard her faint voice beside him, saying, “It’s a counterfeit.” In the dead of night, the Shadowplains Mansion, which hadbeen in chaos for the entire day, finally calmed down for the time being.

After taking a shower and drying her hair, Hailey changed into a set of plain clothes and went to her parent’s room.

Their portraits were placed on the table.

Her father was handsome and dashing, and her mother was beautiful and elegant.

Yet, her mother was still glowing in her heroic spirits.

Tears welled up in her eyes as she went forward to run her fingers through the portrait of her late parents.

With her voice choked with sobs, she uttered, "Mom, Dad, I’m home.” Hailey knelt in front ofher parents, feeling empty and lonely.


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