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Love Is Fair by Kerri novel Chapter 78

Chapter 078 Never Say That to a Man

It was not the first time that Hailey had cooked for Owen. As far as she could remember, she had cooked for him many times, hoping that he would fall in love with her once he had her food. Unfortunately, he didn’t even take a look. Sometimes, Hailey thought of how humble she used to be in front of the man and found herself cheap. Love was something that made people humble. If she could travel back in time, she would slap that woman named Hailey and wake her up. “He will not love you. Stop dreaming about it!” Now he suddenly wanted to have her food. Wasn’t he afraid of her holding a

grudge and poisoning him? Following a cold laugh, Hailey said, “Make it Savory Restaurant and tell Gail to cook some simple dishes. By the way, go and prepare a cheque for five million dollars. It will be covered by my personal account.” Chris took down her instructions and asked skeptically, “Would he accept your check?”

“I’ll just make the offer. Take it or leave it. That’s his business.” Hailey thought for a moment, laid her eyes on the painting, and muttered, “I don’t want to owe him anything. If he refuses to take the money, I’ll have to trade with him.” Chris followed her to look over, surprised to see the landscape painting named “Calming the Waves”. “Are you going to give him the painting? Isn’t it your masterpiece? Someone

offered ten million dollars to buy it, but you refused to sell.” Hailey said indifferently, “It’s just a piece of work from my childhood rather than my masterpiece. My father was the only one who treasured it. Unfortunately, I can no longer replicate it with this pair of hands.” She sighed under her breath but not regretfully. She had more interest in carving than painting. The craft passed down from her ancestors could not be lost.

In Suite 77 of Nomad, Owen had barely gone out all day. Except for having two video conferences, he had been sitting there honing his computer skills.

As his friend picked up his old profession, Matthew said helplessly, “You’ve been out of the field for years. Are you really going to relearn it? If you want to check anything, I can help you.” “It’s okay.” Owen declined. “Self-help is better than help from others. It may be

beyond your ability too.” Owen’s underestimation of him injured Matthew’s pride. When it was about time, Owen turned off the computer, changed his clothes, tied a tie, and buttoned up the sleeves. Not satisfied with the cufflinks, he changed them. The importance he attached to the date was plain to see.

Leaning against the wall, Matthew folded his arms on his chest and kept

clicking his tongue. “That’s good enough, man. It’s not like you’re going on a blind date.”

Owen retorted in his heart. If it were a blind date, he wouldn’t have dressed up

like this.

Matthew then corrected himself, saying, “There’s no way you are so serious

about a blind date. I still can’t believe it. Did you hear it wrong? Did Hailey really promise to treat you to dinner?” “Why?” Owen raised his eyes and took a glance at his friend, “Do you have a problem with that?”

“No, but I have a piece of advice.” Matthew walked over and selected another

tie for him, “You look like an old man in that gray tie. Take this one. It will make you look sharper.”


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