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Love is the Sunshine novel Chapter 111

Terence let Bonnie leave deliberately, because he didn't want her to be there at that moment. Otherwise, she would have sensed the close relationship that Terence and Carla shared between each other. And in the future she might seek revenge upon Carla.

Terence wasn't concerned about getting into trouble. He was worried for Carla, not wanting her to be in any danger.

After he carefully and thoroughly wiped the chili oil from Carla's hand, he raised his head to look at Carla's face.

There was a red cross drawn across Carla's flushed cheek. Terence smiled inwardly as he studied her face. She looked so sweet with her furrowed brows and flushed cheeks. And the red lipstick mark only made her look even more adorable. In Terence's eyes, she was lovely no matter what.

"Carla, now I am beginning to think that the chili is very becoming on you..."

Terence said affectionately. Carla reminded him of a little red hot chili pepper at the moment. She was indignant and so her face became red.

Carla looked up at him with sincerity in her eyes. She was surprised to see that Terence had stepped in and openly took action to care about her after tactfully asking his friends to take his fiancee away, which was a clever thing to do.

He wisely managed to avoid an ugly situation between Bonnie and Carla. Otherwise, Bonnie would never have let Carla off easily.

What was worse, if it had escalated then Terence would really have been in a dilemma.

Besides, Bonnie was after all his fiancee, so if he defended Carla in front of Bonnie, then people would make unkind remarks and accuse him of being a playboy.

However, the situation was different now.

Since Bonnie was no longer there, no matter what happened between them she wouldn't be a witness to it.

When Terence released Carla's hand, Carla remembered the lipstick mark on her face and was about to reach up to wipe it off.

"You won't be able to wipe it off. Your skin will just get irritated if you try to wipe it. I've figured out an easier way to remove it,"

Terence said in a low voice grasping Carla's hand before she raised it to her face.

"He's right! Carla, I have the makeup remover. You can use it to wipe the lipstick from your face. It's very useful."

Mrs. Xu took the bottle of makeup remover from her bag and held it out to Carla.

But before Carla got the chance to take it, Terence took it from Mrs. Xu first.

"Thank you."

Terence then took Carla's hand and led her to the bathroom.

After they had left

the people sitting at the tables nearby looked at each other with confused expressions on their faces.

It took them a while to absorb what had just happened and what was going on.

"Wow! Mr. Terence is very considerate and polite," Mrs. Xu said happily, feeling proud of herself for being wise just now.

After what unfolded in front of them, it was obvious that Bonnie was only Terence's fiancee nominally. Even though Bonnie was from a wealthy and powerful family similar to his own, Terence didn't have feelings for her. Instead, he was attracted to Carla who was fearless and frank.

Standing beside the hand basin, Terence first dampened Carla's cheek with a wet tissue and then he used the makeup remover and gently dabbed at the lipstick on her face.

When the lipstick was removed from her face, he smiled at her with satisfaction.

"How does that feel? Does it sting at all?"

He knew what to do because he had just removed the lipstick stain from his own face only a few moments ago.

"Terence, aren't you angry with me?" Carla uttered sullenly, shooting a glance at Terence who didn't look embittered at all.

Last time, Carla took away Terence's key card and kicked him out of the house.

At that time she thought that Terence would be angry at her because of it and would ignore her from there on.

After all, he was so arrogant and overbearing and wouldn't put up with her irritating him all the time. However, what she thought of him was wrong. Terence didn't seem to be annoyed with her at all.

"If I were to get angry at every annoying little thing that you ever did, I would surely go insane. And I wouldn't live long enough to enjoy my wonderful life."

Terence ran his thumb across Carla's cheek and then sighed. "Even a couple who have been married for many years might quarrel from time to time, let alone us. But we have to make up after we have an argument each time, right?

Since you don't want to make the first move then I have to do it to stop the conflict between us. After all, one of us has to give in."

Carla stared at him and pouted. "But we're not married," she responded.

Terence fixed his eyes on her for a moment as if in thought. He then took her by the hand and led her downstairs.

"Tell me where are you staying at now? Where's Sean?"


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