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Love is the Sunshine novel Chapter 191

Carla stopped and tried to turn around instinctively. However, Hardy dragged her limping towards the car without even looking back.

When they were just several steps away from the car, a man suddenly approached them. He grabbed Hardy by the arm and threw him on the ground. "Looks like you did not get enough in the toilet. Let me beat the shit out of you again. You certainly deserve it. I told you to bring her here. Where are you taking her?"

Then he turned to his men and shouted to them, "Come here. Beat the shit out of him! Don't kill him. Just beat him until he realizes that death is much better than being alive. Also, keep him breathing just a bit if it's okay."

Hardy shouted at Carla, "Miss Carla, I'm so sorry. I... I... I didn't mean to hurt you."

That was when Carla remembered that there was something wrong with the way he walked. It turned out that the gang of thugs had already had their eyes on her when they were still in the factory. At that time, they hit and threatened Hardy. They forced him to take Carla to the place where they were now.

"What are you trying to do?"

Carla asked him while staring at the evil-looking men who were advancing on her. All of the men had tattoos either on their arms or on their legs.

"Take her away!"

The man who was wearing a black vest shouted at the men behind him. He had an azure dragon tattoo on both of his arms.

Before Carla was dragged away, she heard that some people were beating and threatening Hardy, "Listen! If you dare report this to Terence secretly, all of your family members in HA City will have a hard time. Think carefully."

Carla then realized that she was in HA City and not JA City.

Everyone knew that HA City was the territory of the Hua family.

'How did Bonnie know that I came to HA City?

The only person I informed of my plans was Noah. Was he the one who told Bonnie where I would be?

Maybe they are working together?' thought Carla.

She looked around and found that she had been taken to a brothel. Carla couldn't help but laugh bitterly. The last time she was kidnapped, she was taken to a cement building. She found it funny that this time, it was a brothel.

They took her to a different place but their purpose was the same. It was to ruin her.

The place appeared to be a magnificent entertainment center on the outside. However, Carla could tell immediately at a glance that it was just a false facade.

There were plenty of sexy girls in cat woman costumes. They were walking all over the place. They had bottles in both their hands. They were flirting with the guests from time to time. Some even went into private rooms with the customers.

Carla was taken into a dark room. The door was locked from the outside. Her bag and cell phone were taken away from her. She couldn't see nor hear anything except for some moans and groans from the room next to her.

About an hour later, a man and a woman entered her room.

The man was the one who kidnapped her several hours ago. He had tattoos on both of his arms and was wearing a black vest. When he entered the room, he threw a sexy costume at Carla.

"Put on the costume and go serve the customers. If you dare make the customers unhappy, I am sure that I can find many ways to make you suffer," threatened the man.

The woman was wearing a red shawl. She moved towards Carla and squatted down in front of her to take a good look at her face.

"She is a beautiful girl. It will be better if she dresses up a little," said the woman. Then she turned around and looked at the man behind her. She continued, "Brooke, are you going to make her work now?"

Brooke stared at the woman in the red shawl and replied softly, "Erica, it's up to you. But the boss told me that the more we make her work, the better."

"Okay, I got it."

After their conversation, Erica waved her hand and signaled Carla to stand up. "Follow me."

Erica took Carla to another a room and helped her to change her clothes. She warned Carla while she was helping her with her makeup, "I don't care how you got here but you have to obey the rules while you are here. You must meet the requirements of any customer.

You can never complain." "Even if they have unreasonable requirements?" Carla asked while her face was being painted on. She couldn't help but take a shaky breath when she heard what Erica just told her.

"You must meet every demand of our customers. No matter what demands they may be," Erica answered her mercilessly while looking at her sternly.

"You were just like me when I first got here. I am sure that you will slowly adapt here. We kind of look alike," Erica stated thoughtfully. There was panic in her eyes for a short while but she quickly composed herself to her original indifferent face.

Carla bit her lip. She took a deep breath and opened her eyes. "I have my period now..."


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