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Love is the Sunshine novel Chapter 383

"Please don't be nervous, Miss Carla. We have state-of-the-art facilities and equipment in our hospital. I'm just taking you to have a small check-up. It's all very routine. Please, follow me this way."

The doctor noticed that Carla was fidgeting, seemingly somewhat nervous and ill-at-ease. So, she glanced behind Carla, as if looking for more instruction.

When Carla saw the doctor's gaze fall behind her, she immediately followed her sight and turned her body around to look where or who she was looking at.

Lo and behold, the person the doctor was looking at was Noah, standing behind a large glass window.

Noah raised his hand inadvertently, as if he were gesturing to someone. Then suddenly, out of nowhere, two men, dressed in black rushed from the operating room. One man grabbed Carla's left arm, while the other grabbed her right arm as they dragged her into the operating room.

"What are you doing? No! No! I don't want to go in! Stop! Noah, do something! Help me!"

Unfortunately, Carla's cry for help fell on deaf ears. After Carla was dragged into the operating room by the two men, she frantically whipped her head to look around. Her desperate eyes caught sight of Noah, who was standing still at the end of the corridor.

She squeezed the words out of her mouth. "Noah! Why aren't you doing anything? Help me! Help me, Noah!" Carla was borderline hysterical, while Noah didn't move or respond to her cries for help. Carla hopelessly watched in slow-motion as the door finally shut close. Tears immediately burst out from her eyes. The desperation in her voice was evident of her fears.

However, Noah stood calmly at the other end of the corridor. He continued staring at Carla quietly and motionlessly without displaying any expression on his face.

"Noah, you're a liar! Do you remember how you said you would never hurt me again? What are you doing now? Noah! Answer me! Did you forget what you said? Are you going back on your word now?

Ah! Noah Hua! You bastard! You bastard!"

Carla was cursing and screaming. She was still struggling against her captors. But Noah continued to be motionless and expressionless. He kept silent and didn't say anything. Carla felt hopeless and was instantly despondent.

But Carla couldn't give up right now. Even though she had been forcefully dragged into the operating room, she continued looking back and didn't give up screaming at him. "Noah! You are such a bastard! We are not married yet. Why the hell are you still poking your nose into my business? Why do you care about whose child I am having?

Noah! You bastard! Son of a bitch! You swore to me that you would never hurt me again! What the hell are you doing to me now?"

As she furiously yelled at Noah, Carla showed no signs of backing down. However, hurling abuse at Noah wasn't going to help her get free. Out of frustration, she finally broke down into tears. "Ah! No! No! No! Don't do this to me! Please! Help me! Someone! Please just let me go!"

Carla gathered all her strength and tried to bite the men who were dragging her. She had an idea of what Noah's intentions were but she wasn't going to let them take her child!

One of the men dragging her didn't notice Carla as she suddenly bit down hard on his arm. The man screamed out loud and released Carla, swinging his arm back and forth to ease the excruciating pain.

However, Carla was still being held down by the other man. Before she could do the same to him, the previous one came over to Carla and firmly grabbed her right arm before quickly dragging her into the operating room.

Carla started shouting and yelling again, "Noah! Do you know what you're doing? This will only make me hate you! Don't force me to hate you! Do you really think that I will marry you if you kill my child? My own flesh and blood?


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