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Love is the Sunshine novel Chapter 421

That night, the only thing that every person in JA City could talk about was Terence's grand marriage proposal to Carla.

Johnny, who was standing in his yard, glared at the chocolate on his hand. If looks could kill, the chocolate would have melted in an instant. He snarled while he crumpled the chocolate, ruining the wrapper with the letters T and C on it. But it seemed like it wasn't enough for he threw the ruined chocolate in the trash can with a thud.

Contrary to his actions, he thought to himself quietly, 'Naive, such a naive woman and what a stupid way to propose!

How could any woman agree to marry a man who simply showers her with all the grand gestures but lacks the most important thing—sincerity? Such a foolish woman!'

Still wearing the same annoyed look on his face, he entered the house and turned on the television. To his luck, the news happened to be broadcasting the proposal live. The whole screen was filled with balloons and flowers. It disgusted him to see Terence's indifferent and passive face. He thought, 'How can this guy not appreciate the treasure that's in front of him?' However, when he saw how happy and overjoyed Carla looked, he suddenly did not know how to feel.

It was clear to Johnny that Terence had really captured her heart. For some reason, he felt afraid that his speculation was right.

Although he did not want to admit it, he felt a huge disappointment in his heart. He flipped through the channels to try and distract himself but his disappointment just deepened when he realized that every single channel was broadcasting the proposal or parts of it.

Johnny sighed deeply in order to calm himself down but it did not work. He's finally had enough. The rage finally got to his head and he threw the remote control at the television. The screen broke into pieces as Johnny breathed heavily.

Meanwhile, in another part of town, a completely different mood was in the air.

On the second floor of a high-end restaurant, there was a sense of celebration and overwhelming joy.

Carla was enjoying the beautiful music as she looked down from the French window. Below were so many guests who were obviously having a good time. From her view, she could clearly see Theo, Nathan, and Rainer smiling so widely.

Out of the blue, her thoughts were flooded with how their wedding day would actually be like. She thought of the guests smiling at them, of the grandeur of the place filled with flowers, of her white wedding dress and needless to say, of the groom.

"Today may have cost a lot, right? The fireworks, the ship, and the drones you've arranged are not cheap. Besides, you've invited so many guests to this party. It's such an enormous expense!" Carla exclaimed.

Terence didn't respond. Instead, he just clinked his wine glass with hers and shifted his gaze onto the people downstairs. A big smile crept onto his lips as he said in a soft tone, "I feel so happy today. This is my first and last time to propose, so you could understand how I wanted everything to be perfect. I wouldn't have forgiven any mistake if any detail didn't go as I wanted it." Then, he paused and turned to Carla before he continued, "Carla, as long as it's for your happiness, money will never be an issue.

Besides, they all offered to help me, especially Theo."

While she took in what he had just said, Carla sipped her wine and couldn't help but laugh. She then stated, "If that's the case, Theo isn't hopeless then. He still has something to offer."


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