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Love Magic: Two Different Hearts novel Chapter 67

Glen's POV

I went sat on the other side again since I'm still hesitating to be on good terms with them although I have thought of giving it a shot and befriend them but still I think that I better need the advice of the two since probably they will be in rage once they found out that I immediately became friends with them and maybe I might have more glaring eyes if that happens.

I sigh in frustration while I slump on the floor that I am sitting.

(Why do I have to be in this kind of situation? ARGGG—I really hate it and it's giving me anxious of what will about to happen— though I admit that I am anticipating that something will happen) I though while I heard the next pair to have their spar.

"Guess I will just have to watch out my back—but first I will have to watch the fights for information" I mumble while I watch the fights.


It was now time for Tobios and his pair.

"So, it was Andre" I mumble while I saw them both stand up and went to the ring making me immediately kind of get excited to watch their match since I fought Tobios firsthand and to tell you he is good.

"But he used magic that time and I used a weapon too. This match is purely bare hands, so how would he do?" I mumble while they both started and I was so excited that I went a bit closer to them to watch their fight.

I could also hear some students mumbling something and they are also looking forward to this match.

"I heard that Andre is good in combat—"

"Tobios is great too and that is not questionable considering that he is an elemental"

"Yeah—who do you think will win" I heard them talk about and that also made me curious.

"Can Andre really beat him or they might have a draw?" I said in question while I look away and look at the two who are now starting to fight.

They both went to their stance and I could see that they have similar stance. They are both staring at each other intently and you could feel the seriousness until here.

The classroom suddenly fell silent unlike a while ago that it was filled with cheers and teasing but with this fight it was pure seriousness and everybody suddenly fell quiet like they were anticipating this from the very start.

Then the fight started and immediately Tobios was attacked by Andre with a punch and Tobios deflected it by using his arm to divert the punch and then give Andre a sidekick making Andre caught off guard and he was hit.

The fight continued and you could see that both of them are very good in combat since both of them are still not giving up even though both give each other some blows on each other's faces and both of them have cuts on their lips and they somewhat are bleeding making me gasp. They still didn't stop fighting with each other making me just sigh.

"Aren't they going to stop the fight since they're both looking like that already" I hear some girls say in worry and the guys are just looking at them in amazement.

(Now come to think of it. I was also like that when I fought with Sir Michael in training that I have suffered lots of damage and bruises all over me but I didn't stop and still fight with him with all I got. Even though this is different but still just look at their faces—) I thought while I watch their facial reaction and I saw them both having fun fighting with each other and maybe they have already received like this on their training since judging by their match they both understand each other.

"I guess that is good now. It's a draw, Tobios and Andre you can both stop now. Both of you are excellent so keep it up" I heard Sir Michael said while going near the two as they both stop and they look at Sir Michael in disbelief even though they both look like they are all beaten up since their attacks where really strong and pretty much it hit them squarely.

"Though I think that Andre pretty much suffered the most since I could say that the attacks of Tobios was heavy though slow compared to the fast but lighter attacks of Andre" I mumble to myself as I observe the two of them.

I heard them both tying to argue with Sir but he was serious making the two just groan in disappointment as they both went back to sit on their side.

I didn't notice that I was now staring at them since I was too preoccupied of admiring their match since it was one of the matches that I have so far watch witch really made me want to fight them too.

I smiled unconsciously while trying to picture me having a match with them both since I really can't deny that they are really good.

"Then what more if we they could use their powers and I will fight with them, then that would make me have a good match and I would also test if I have made a good progress with my training and see if I could finally be able to defend myself without using magic since I don't have that" I ranted while I look away since they are both returning to their sit and they are both pushing each other jokingly.

"Damn that really made me happy. Then wait till I will have a match with them since it's undeniably I will have to spar with them for sure" I said in excitement while I look at the next match.

"Damn thank you grandpa for sending me here and get me to experience fighting with strong opponents" I said happily while I close my eyes and imagine my grandpa smiling at me.

I tried to wipe a fake tear in my eyes as I open my eyes and look at the ring only to get surprised that instead of a ring, I was met with a pair of brown eyes making me immediately got startled and blushed in embarrassment since he was too near my face.

And my reflexes kick in and I punch the guy's face and I don't even care if it hurts but all I know is he was too close to my face.

"ARGGG—what was that for?" I hear Andre groan in pain while he is on the ground massaging his face as he complains.

Everyone look back and looked at us but for some reason I wasn't bothered by their looks since I was focused on looking at Andre in worry as he groans in pain.

I immediately got guilty and panicked as I get close to him since he was groaning in pain while touching his face and I immediately try to comfort him and apologize since it was my fault for doing that—I guess.

"I'm s—orry I—I didn't mean to punch you. I w—as just startled" I said apologetically while I sit beside him and suddenly I don't know what to do and just simply uttering sorry to him.

"Can't you see that I already have enough bruise by our match yet you still punched me" I hear him complain and that got me guiltier even more since he was right with that.

(But you're the one who startled me in the first place. I wouldn't have punch you if you were not that close to my face) I wanted to tell that but I just keep it to myself.

Chapter 67: Cut on The Lips 1

Chapter 67: Cut on The Lips 2


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