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Love of Tomorrow (Vania Greyson) novel Chapter 30

Chapter 30 Do You Have a Boyfriend?

Hanson stood motionless. Looking at his hand, he laughed to himself.

Vania sat at the dining table for breakfast after washing up, with no intention of talking to him anymore.

On the other hand, he was not as resistant as she was and sat calmly opposite her.

He then began eating his breakfast slowly and with graceful movements. His sitting posture was also proper, as if he were a painting.

Seeing that, she couldn’t help but sigh. Well, because he is a handsome man, even his eating manner appears elegant.

At the same time, he had resumed his serious side. As if he suddenly thought of something, he asked, “What brought you to Farville? Your assistant informed me that you went there for a reason more important than your life.”

He was curious as to what was more important than her life, which had almost put her in danger.

To that, she nodded, a tinge of disappointment in her eyes. “Yes, it is something more important than my life.”

However, she had now failed. She had not found the child she had painstakingly tried to seek, and she almost got humiliated as a result.

She didn’t tell him anything and instead kept it all to herself, but her sorrowful expression shocked him. Since he knew her, this was the first time he sensed her exuding such an immense sorrow.

Though Hanson had no idea what happened to her, he could feel Vania’s pain.

With furrowed brows, he asked, “Can you tell me more about it? Perhaps I can help you.”

Vania twitched her mouth miserably and shook her head in reply. “It is quite complicated, and I can’t express it in just a few words. Thank you for your offer, though.”

Given her reaction, he did not persist further. “If you feel like talking about it someday, feel free to come to me.”


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