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Love or Die: CEO’ s Daily Dose of Swoon (Cordelia) novel Chapter 149

Chapter 149 

Lia, how in the world did you find out about all that?” 

Merry trailed behind Cordelia us they walked toward the school gates. She’d been on a rant, reeling off the whole saga and cursing the streaming platform before her curiosity finally piqued

Cordelia, backpack slung over her shoulder, hands tucked nonchalantly into her pockets, fingers brushing against her homemade flashcards, muttered a word to herself while multitasking, I just had a hunch something was up with you, so I checked with Little Flame.” 

Merry was rendered speechless

She’d thought Cordelia had seen something on Twitter or something. Clearly, she’d overthought it

After a quick word to Larry, the two made their way to Merry’s rented room, situated in a family housing unit close to the school. She had the main bedroom to herself

As Cordelia stepped inside, she noticed the living room was a bit of a mess and the bedroom was rather spartan, with a bed, a desk, and a modest wardrobe with only a few clothes

While tidying up a bit, Merry explained, I left home in such a rush, didn’t even grab much clothes. Lia, take a seat here.” 

She cleared the only desk in the room, offered a chair to Cordelia, then perched on the edge of the bed. 

Merry looked at her friend earnestly, Lia, how do you plan on helping me prove it?” 

Cordelia thought for a moment before answering, They say my studying on stream is just for show, right? Do they think it’s fake? Well, I’ll just do a live problemsolving session.” 

Merry nodded, acknowledging it as the most direct approach, and whipped out her smartphone, My stream got banned, so let’s just go live on Twitter.” 

Sure thing.” 

Merry fired up the live stream on Twitter and asked, Lia, do you want to show your face, or should we just film your hands?” 

Knowing Cordelia’s preference for privacy, especially given the scrutiny often faced by affluent families, Merry wasn’t surprised when Cordelia opted for anonymity

As they chatted, viewers began pouring into the stream, with comments flying

WhiteLight’s doing a live? Why wasn’t there a headsup?” 

Whose that cool voice? Sounds so alluring, even I’m swooning here.” 

Merry noticed the viewer count spiking to over thirty and posted a tweet

You wanted proof? Let’s do this, @StreamRapidOfficial” 

Returning to the live stream, Merry announced, The official stance has been that my last video was a foul play, and they’ve banned my stream for three days without explanation, and it’s totally unfair. So I invited in my classmate, the brainy girl who sits behind me, to prove to everyone that she’s not faking it.” 

She then pointed the camera at Cordelia, Lia, it’s showtime.” 

Cordelia nodded, pulling out a blank test paper, This is our math homework for today.” 

And with that, she began

Cordelia rarely needed scratch paper, and even the toughest problems seemed to unravel after a mere glance The room fell silent except for the scratching of her pen on paper

The comments section buzzed with excitement

That hand is gorgeous, oh my god, hand fetish over here.” 

“The set she’s doing is hard, but she’s really writing fast and it’s inexplicably comfortable for me to watch 

She’s blazing through that test. I usually spend half an hour just on multiplechoice, and she’s done in five minutes. Incredible.” 

No one had seen live problemsolving before, and the novelty drew in more viewers. Before long, the stream hit a viewership of twenty thousand 

Although the content was dry, the purity of the session stood out in the chaotic online world

Watching Cordelia work was refreshing. Her pen moved swiftly, each glance at a problem bringing the solution almost instantly

Merry was mesmerized, feeling a sense of aesthetic pleasure watching Lia’s fluid problemsolving. The pace was so smooth

She sneaked a peek at her follower count and couldn’t believe the jump up by thirty thousand, crossing eighty thousand

However, skepticism crept into the comments

No way she can solve these so fast without thinking. She must’ve memorized the answers.” 

Exactly, this is even more proof of faking. She could have worked them out before and memorized the 


No wonder the StreamRapid platform blocked your live chatroom, you did put on a show.” 

After the jealous voices gradually grew, Merry got anxious and said, There will always be people who, unable to accomplish something themselves, assume that others are incapable of doing it too. This is the homework that was handed out in our class today, and the teacher hasn’t given out the answers yet. If you don’t believe me, you can go check my school’s homework records.” 

Those people, however, were still mocking, Even if you don’t have the answers, you can still do it by yourself first, memorize the answers, and then copy them onto the paper.” 

As the negative comments mounted, Merry grew defensive, Why can’t there be more trust between people? Lia usually finishes math tests in half the time and always hands in her tests before teachers can vouch for that.” 

But the more she explained, the harsher the comments became. It was a losing battle


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