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Love or Die: CEO’ s Daily Dose of Swoon (Cordelia) novel Chapter 179

Chapter 179 

The office was packed with reporters. When Cordelia walked in, it was as if someone had hit the pause buttonthe whole room turned to stare at her

With a rigid spine and measured steps, Cordelia made her way through the sea of curious faces

Latham, surprised by her entrance, blinked in surprise. Cordelia, what brings you here?echoed the principal’s voice, thick with concern

Cordelia had come to buy time, hoping to stall any drastic decisions from the principal. But with Merry and Daniel still on their way, she didn’t quite know what to say. So she just looked at Leila. And like dominos, all eyes followed to land on her

Leila, feeling the weight of their gazes, looked baffled, and Paulina, equally perplexed, turned to Cordelia, What’s going on?” 

In the middle of this confusion, Merry and Daniel burst into the office, waving a piece of paper triumphantly

We did it!” 

Cordelia exhaled in relief, took the paper, and handed it to the Principal. Daniel chimed in, Principal, our classmates heard about Latham’s situation. This here is a petition signed by all of us. We believe Latham’s been falsely accused!” 

Latham’s face, a mask of disbelief, slowly softened as he looked at Daniel. He’d dedicated his life to teaching, never asking for anything in return, just to be true to his conscience

This year’s class had been a tough bunch: Juliana with her petty jealousies, Merry with her rebellious punk rock style, and Cordelia, ever the aloof one

Yet now, in his hour of need, they had rallied to his defense with a manifesto of support

Tears traced lines down Latham’s face as he stood tall, his voice ringing out strong, Let me just sayI’m totally cool with my conscience! If they suspend me over this investigation, it’s still worth it knowing I’ve touched so many student lives.” 

The reporters were stunned, their pens and microphones hanging in limbo

They had come expecting a sensational scandal, but instead, something felt wrong

The room fell silent, no one daring to pursue Latham further

The evidence was circumstantial at best, the truth murky and elusive

Leila never truly intended for Latham to be imprisoned. She craved her parentsattention, her classmates pitying glances. As for LathamIn a country where reputation is everything, the lack of a clear verdict was damage enough

He would now live in the shadow of endless rumors, and the school would surely hesitate to employ him again

Leila looked at Merry, her eyes dimming before she burst into tears. Merry, we’re sisters! Why are you him?” 

you helping 

Her words shifted Paulina’s focus immediately. She glared at Merry, How can you defend this monster after what he did to your sister? You’re breaking my heart!” 

Merry met her gaze, retorting icily. I’ll tell you why!” 

She stood in the center, faced the press, and said, When I was falsely accused of theft, it was Mr. Latham 

Chapter 179 

who supported me. When I was expelled, he helped me transfer schools. When you cut me off financially, it was Latham’s meal card that kept me from going hungry.” 

Paulina was taken aback, I asked Leila to top up your card!” 

Merry’s smile was bitter as she glanced at Leila, too weary to e explain

Merry’s smile felt like a slap on Paulina’s face

Merry’s eyes fell as she continued, Mom, I’m tired of this. I’m doing well now. But that doesn’t mean I can lie for her Latham has dedicated his life to education; his future can’t be destroyed by Leila’s lies.” 

YouPaulina, shaking with fury, pointed at her daughter, Are you doing this because you resent Leila? You’re sisters! What grudge could possibly justify this?” 

Merry stood firm, unwavering behind Latham

The classcollective support, the shifting tide of the press, and even the principal’s intervention pointed to one thing. We need to investigate this thoroughly… 

What’s there to investigate?Paulina shouted, It seems like the school wants to cover for him! And that petition could have been signed by just one person for all we know! If he could do this to my daughter, he could do it to any student. Those too scared to come forward are one thing, but he must answer for what he did to my child!” 

I have an answer for you.At that moment, Officer Skyler, in full uniform, strode into the room

Holding up his laptop, he announced, Funny thing, there’s no camera inside this office, but a windblown camera on a tree outside caught the whole thing. I’ve just looked into the school’s security system to retrieve the footage. Let’s have a look.” 


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