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Love or Die: CEO’ s Daily Dose of Swoon (Cordelia) novel Chapter 213

When Everard walked into the classroom, he saw Cordelia scribbling away at a detention essay, but initially didn’t think much of it. After all, who hasn’t had to write a detention essay or two during their school days? Besides, kids these days can be a bit wild, probably from not paying attention in class, so he just suggested she grab some lunch first, planning to ask her about the details later.

But he hadn't expected the teacher to storm in and start berating her without even asking what happened, clearly not intending to let Cordelia have her lunch break. Sure, a teacher has the right to scold their students, but withholding food as punishment was crossing a line. Before Everard could speak up, the teacher turned her fury towards him, spewing out words no educator should ever say.

"What's the matter with you? Playing mute?" Lucille snapped at Everard once more.

Everard had just finished writing when he lazily looked up. Before he could respond, another voice echoed from the doorway, "Hey, genius, we brought you some lunch. Have a bite before you continue with that essay!"

Daisy shouted as she burst into the room, stopping dead in her tracks upon surveying the scene inside. Keen followed close behind Daisy, his arms laden with a lunchbox. Entering the room, his gaze landed on the thermos in front of Cordelia, which was already open and revealing food that was far superior to anything the school cafeteria offered.

Seeing the two of them, Lucille's anger intensified, "What are you doing here? Isn't there a rule against bringing food into the classroom? Who allowed you to get this food?" Without waiting for a response, she continued, "Cordelia, don’t think you can act all high and mighty just because you’re good at math. How many others have you dragged down with you by breaking the rules?"

Keen quickly interjected, "Lucille, you’ve got it all wrong. Daisy was just calling Cordelia to have lunch. As for me, I brought my lunch here myself. It’s my fault, and I’m ready to face the consequences." After saying this, he took a seat and began eating from his lunchbox.

Cordelia was baffled. Daisy, moved by Keen’s gesture, couldn’t help but feel touched by the display of affection between the school’s top students. Everard, who had just put down his pen, noticed Keen’s actions the moment he entered. So, was he the one bringing lunch for the kid? Everard squinted his eyes.

Keen spoke up again, "Lucille, what’s the punishment for eating in the classroom? Cleaning up? I’ll take full responsibility along with Cordelia."

Lucille hesitated. Originally, she could have increased Cordelia's punishment, but with Keen involved, she had to reconsider. Keen was a key member of the math team, expected to bring home a gold medal for their town, not to mention the bonus that would come with it for Lucille. Keen’s family was also not to be trifled with, having connections in the academic world.

Chapter 213 1


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