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Love or Die: CEO’ s Daily Dose of Swoon (Cordelia) novel Chapter 74

Chapter 74 

Merry stood there, stunned for a second before she cracked a joke at Cordelia, Lia, I thought the whole point was for me to be myself.” 

Cordelia looked confused. Isn’t this all about acting?” 

In acting, you’re supposed to become the character, not be yourself, right

Of course, Cordelia wasn’t so vain as to think Merry imitating her would make her invincible. When she first walked in, the stage manager had looked at her with such fervor. It seemed the role must fit her to a tee

And earlier, while the others were auditioning, she’d awkwardly navigated Twitter and stumbled upon the play. It was adapted from a novel. After a quick search for the source material, she’d used her sharp summary skills to find the relevant passage. The novel described the character as ethereal as an angel. Upon her tragic death in a car accident, it mused that such an angelic being must have returned to heaven

From these descriptions, Cordelia deduced that the character wasn’t meant to be a saintly figure like Leila but more of a distant and aloof type

That was why she’d made the suggestion

Merry didn’t say another word. She trusted Cordelia implicitly, nodded, and entered the audition room

Inside the audition room

Bland was idly fidgeting with a pen, frowning as he asked, Does that girl just now have anything to do with being angelic?” 

The assistant director sighed, No choice, you saw for yourself. She’s got the best look we’ve seen today. We can coach her a bit and shoot her from the back in long shots. We can’t afford to dawdle in this school forever. Students are just that. None of them have that kind of presence.” 

As these words slipped out, Bland inexplicably flashed his mind to Lia, standing in the doorway of the equipment room. Bathed in dim light, Lia was surrounded by people yet seemed utterly alone and aloof, fitting the role to a tee

But Lia was far from interested in acting

Suddenly, Bland lost all enthusiasm, slouching back, his eyes lazily halfclosed, Whatever.” 

The assistant director was equally disinterested, just wanting to wrap up the auditions quickly and cast the role. They’d spent too much time here already

Just then, the door opened, and the same graceful figure entered. But compared to the previous candidate’s confidence, this one’s gaze was shifty, lacking grace and poise

The assistant direitor was taken aback, You again?” 

As Merry entered, she glanced at Blandspecifically, his forehead. The bruise was quite noticeable, which explained the stares 

Initially irritated because Bland had complimented Leila, she instantly forgave him at the sight of his disheveled state. She nearly blurted out, Oh no, darling, are you hurt?” 

She held back, but her face betrayed her guilt and remorse. How could she have hit her beloved

Just as she was wrestling with her nerves upon seeing her idol, the assistant director’s voice brought her back. to reality, Huh?” 

The assistant director glanced at the list Merry Jordan. And the previous one was Leila Jordan

He got it, Twins?” 

Upon hearing this, Bland finally lifted his gaze



Chapter 74 

Oh no, my idol is looking at me!Merry tensed up, avoiding direct eye contact. She felt Bland’s gaze sweep over her. In her nervousness, she stumbled over her words, Ah, yes, um, twins.” 

The assistant director frowned at her demeanor and said, Alright, you can leave now.” 

This meekness wouldn’t work on stage

Merry went pale. She knew that meant rejection. It was her nervousness around her idol that had cost her. She wanted to ask for another chance but felt too embarrassed

With her head down, she took one last look at Bland and turned to leave.. 

That was when Bland’s mischievous voice sounded, Can you play the piano?” 

Merry stopped in her tracks, her eyes lighting up. Was her idol talking to her

She nodded eagerly. Yes!” 

Bland gestured to the piano, Play something for us.” 

Merry wasn’t dumb. She understood this was another chance from Bland. If she couldn’t nail it, it would be 


Her idol would be in the play, likely in love with the character she was auditioning for

She couldn’t let Leila ruin it and couldn’t let Leila sully her man

With that thought, her fighting spirit returned

Taking a deep breath, Merry straightened up

What was Lia like? Above it all, as if nothing and no one could catch her eye

Merry had always had a rebellious streak, and now, taking things seriously. The director and Bland saw the transformation in Merry in the school uniform

She sauntered over to the piano, sat down, and placed her hands on the keys. Then she began to play

The assistant director brightened his eyes

Despite still wearing her uniform, her playing was cool and detached, her eyes filled with the story

Merry had far more potential than the last one! She was born to act

As Merry finished her piece, the assistant director declared, You’re it” 

Merry turned around. Upon hearing the verdict, she nearly jumped for joy. She was going to act with her idol! Acting meant close contact!! 

Her gaze landed on Bland, only to find him reclining lazily in his chair, his foxy eyes watching her intently


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