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Love or Die: CEO’ s Daily Dose of Swoon (Cordelia) novel Chapter 79

Chapter 79 

Cordelia couldn’t fathom why the whole world seemed to be making such a fuss over Batra’s Conjecture. To her, it was just another problem solved, no big deal

Lately, she’d been just as perplexed as anyone about the stir her achievement had caused. So, when confronted with the question, Cordelia could only shrug and admit her bewilderment. I have no idea.” 

The dean was livid. What do you mean? Superiority College has offered you a scholarship based on your performance in the National League. There has to be a reason for that!He was at his wit’s end

Sure, a scholarship was supposed to be a good thing. It brought some prestige to Greenmeadow International School. But who could have predicted such a commotion? Superiority College, steeped in tradition and academic excellence, wasn’t easily ruffled. Yet, here they were, with journalists at their gates and threats of exposure. 

The SATs were supposed to be the epitome of fairness, watched by the whole nation. If they couldn’t provide a solid explanation for this, the Department of Education might swoop in for a thorough investigation

The dean’s rant was cut short by a booming voice, Then why don’t go ask Superiority College?” 


Latham marched into the room and slapped yesterday’s math test on the desk, sending a cloud of chalk dust 

into the air

The dean waved the dust away from his face. Latham, what on earth are you doing?” 

Latham snorted. Since when do we discuss such matters in the classroom? This podium is for teaching, not for bullying students!” 

The dean was immediately on the defensive. Bullying? Superiority College’s scholarship offer has to be based on something!” 

Latham, too, was mystified by the whole affair, but he had been the one to receive the call from Superiority College. Cordelia had even hung up on them, mistaking it for a scam. That meant Superiority College was the one seeking her out, especially since their math department had been outshone by Top Crest Academy

Now that there was a problem, Superiority College wasn’t offering any explanations. Latham couldn’t let Cordelia take the fall. I can vouch for Cordelia. She’s done nothing wrong,Latham declared, his anger palpable

The dean was taken aback. You vouch for her? And how will you do that?” 

I stake my entire teaching career on it. My years of service, my senior teacher’s title. Is that enough for you? Latham’s declaration resonated through the room, each word firm and decisive

The dean was shocked. Latham, why put so much on the line?” 

Latham pointed at Cordelia, his voice filled with righteous indignation. She’s my student. If she bribed a professor, I would resign on my accord. But until things ape clear, if you even think about expelling her, I’ll walk out right alongside her!” 

As a senior teacher and a prized asset of Greenmeadow International School, the dean could not afford to lose Latham or to continue targeting Cordelia. He simply tapped Latham on the shoulder, sighed, and left the room. Once the dean was gone, Latham resumed his place at the podium as if nothing had happened. What are you all staring at? Do you not realize we’re only eight months away from the SATS? Get your heads out of the clouds! After those dismal quiz scores yesterday, you’ve got to do better than that if you’re going to be worthy of the roles I’ve got lined up for you in the school play!” 

The students quickly dove back into their books and paid attention to the lesson

Cordelia, still seated, watched Latham before a rare smile crept across her face

During the break, Juliana headed to the drama club

Hayley didn’t waste a moment. With Cordelia caught up in a scandal, are you sure she’s the one you want playing the role of Bland’s first love?” 

The news hadn’t quite reached the fever pitch of celebrity gossip, so only those following the SATs closely were aware of Cordelia’s situation. The assistant director was caught off guard. What?” 

Hayley showed him the online post about Cordelia and spoke up. Remember that highprofile celebrity who was caught in an academic fraud scandal a few years back? He was blacklisted from the industry, and the university expelled him. This just hit the trending topics today. It’s not widely known yet, but once it blows up, it might be too late to recast.” 

Hayley looked at the assistant director earnestly. I’m a huge fan of Bland, and I hate to see a good production suffer because of one person’s scandal. That’s why I came to give you a heads up.” 

After reading the post, the assistant director was stunned. Thanks for letting me know. Juliana, go back and wait for our call. We need to have an emergency meeting, but it looks like we’ll probably be asking you to step 


Juliana nodded, smiling as she left

As she and Hayley walked back to class, Hayley couldn’t help but sneer, The thought of some nobody from an orphanage even attempting to outshine you? That’s a joke! This role was always meant to be yours.” 

Juliana curled her lips into a smug smile, the satisfaction clear on her face

Once back in the classroom, Hayley couldn’t help but boast, Some people have skeletons in their closet that disqualify them from certain opportunities. If I were you, I’d step down from the production. But since you lack selfawareness, I couldn’t stand by and watch you bring down the whole show. So, I’ve already informed the assistant director. They’re likely to give the part to Juliana!” 

Merry was furious. On what grounds?” 


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