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Love Slave to the Mafia Boss's Passion 18 novel Chapter 205

“This is Master Hayden’s study. He uses it very often when he decides to work at home. Although, he’s been going out every day since you came here,” Auntie explained.

I peeped my head into Hayden’s study and was no longer impressed at how overly large every single room seemed to be in this mansion. Auntie didn’t step into the room and that made me feel like I shouldn’t step a foot in there as well. Maybe Hayden didn’t like people going into his study while he wasn’t there or without his permission.

“This is Master Hayden’s bedroom. He spends most of his nights here…” Auntie explained as she stopped at a large pair of double doors.

Unlike his study, she didn’t even open the door for me to peek inside. Clearly, this room was considered a very private space. I guessed that made sense since it’s his bedroom. He’s never brought me here before either…

“What about the rooms that he brought me to before?” I asked curiously.

I thought of the first night that I arrived here and the rooms that he brought me to. Quickly, I forced my thoughts to a stop before my mind would recall what happened later after I entered those rooms.

“Oh, he stays there sometimes too. He likes to complain that his wing is too large for him to occupy alone so sometimes he would live in those rooms for convenience,” Auntie replied like it was the most normal thing in the world.

We visited a few more rooms in Hayden’s wing that Auntie thought was important enough to point out. Overall, Hayden’s wing was like another mansion in and of itself and was clearly too large for one person. The boss was right in thinking that it was supposed to be for a family instead of for one man. Although it probably would still be too big even for a family to live here.

“That’s it for Master Hayden’s wing of the mansion. Now, I’ll take you to see some of the common facilities that you can use if you want. Master Hayden rarely uses it though, but it is well maintained. We have the saunas, the outdoor pool and such…” Auntie continued with her briefing.

She led me back along the hallway where we came from, and I followed after her dutifully. This mansion was so big that I wondered how many maids it took just to keep this place clean like this. It felt like such a waste resources and money, but then again, who was I to judge?

We arrived back to the point where the path forked into separate paths. My eyes couldn’t help wandering to the other path that Auntie hadn’t led me on. I wondered where that hallway led?

“That’s the way to Master Harvey’s wing…” Auntie stated sternly as she followed my line of sight.

Her words trailed off and it was clear that she wasn’t about to offer any more explanations. In addition, she didn’t invite me to follow her to show me that wing of the mansion.

“Oh, I see…” I mumbled.


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