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Love Slave to the Mafia Boss's Passion 18 novel Chapter 216

“Umm…excuse me, can you get Little Hayden his ball toy? It’s in my room, I think if you ask one of the maids, she should be able to get it for you…” I requested with a pleading voice.

“Sure…” one of the guards replied emotionlessly after a short pause.

I continued sketching and soon after, Little Hayden had a red little ball to play with in the grass. Now only if he had someone to play around with him, the day would be so perfect for the little guy. I glanced over at the stern-looking guards and shook my head softly to myself as I gave up on the idea. I don’t think any of them would be willing to play ball with my little puppy. Sorry, Little Hayden, you’re going to have to play by yourself for today.

Right now, I found it a great idea to have the guards with me. Not because I felt like I was in any real danger, but it was useful to have them help keep an eye on Little Hayden as he played around in the grass to make sure that he didn’t wander off while I was busy sketching or working on my artwork.

The sketches of the various flowers that I’ve drawn up to this point seemed decent enough. However, there wasn’t anything new or outstanding about that. I’ve sketched many flowers before up to this point and I wasn’t sure if it was adding any new range to my skill as an artist. A depressed sigh left my lips as I stared down at the sketchbook while I wondered what I should do next.

My eyes rove around the scenery, trying to find something that was worth sketching. Something new, a little more complex or something that I wasn’t used to sketching. I’ve done a lot of sketches and paintings of trees and flowers before so that was out of the question. I could use some practice on sketching people, I thought as my eyes fell on the bodyguard standing nearby. His facial hair would make the sketch more challenging in terms of texture and tone.

I sighed again and shook my head to myself. There was no way that he would just sit and let me sketch him. Plus, the guards are supposed to be working right now. My eyes wandered and then stopped at the little furball sitting very close to my feet. What about…

“Little Hayden…would you like to be my model for today?” I asked cheerfully.

Little Hayden, who by now had figured out that that was his name, turned and looked up at my face. I laughed a little and he immediately began wagging his tail enthusiastically. It was clear that he was happy about everything that was going on in his life right now. I had almost no experience sketching animals, especially very furry ones like Little Hayden so he would be the perfect subject. New and challenging. Perfect.

Now, I just need to figure out how to make him pose and stay relatively still. Before when he was laying on his favorite spot on the grass, he was quite calm and stayed quite still. That might work but how do I get him to lay down there again?

I looked down at the active and energetic puppy that was running around in the grass and suddenly, I started feeling hopeless. What if I put him on a chair or something? Maybe that would work…


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