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Love Slave to the Mafia Boss's Passion 18 novel Chapter 222

Opening up the responses to the request form, I started going through them one by one and sorting them based on the detail of the request. As I read the requests, my brain began thinking about ways that I could complete my work without meeting the client in person. I could paint from a photograph and some requests actually wanted me to paint based on a photograph so I could work on those requests without any issues. For other requests, would doing some kind of video call help act as a reasonably good alternate method? Honestly, I haven’t tried it before, but it might be worth a shot.

The issue was that most clients probably didn’t know the process of getting their portrait painted. Perhaps, I could get back to them to ask if it was fine if I didn’t paint them in person. There were so many requests that I had to find some way to prioritize them. I hated to admit it, but Hayden was right. I wondered how many portraits I could finish in a month. Perhaps one per week? That would make it four per month. If I rushed a little, perhaps I could do six or eight?

Judging by the number of requests, the booking would be full for almost a year. That’s just crazy. I spent a good portion of the night working on sorting the request and reaching out via email to the clients to ask them more about their requests and expressing my sincere apologies and regret for not being able to meet them in person. I didn’t know how the clients would react, but I couldn’t do anything else but pray for the best.

The truth was, I probably needed to brush up my skills before I could start on a real commission. It has been a while since I’ve last sketched or painted a portrait. The most realistic date to start working on my first commission would be around a week’s time from now.

I felt tired and that spat that I had with Hayden just now didn’t help out with anything at all. After taking a quick shower, I went straight to bed. Little Hayden was peacefully sleeping in his small little bed in my living room by now and I envied how easily he could drift off to sleep. It was like he could fall asleep anywhere and at any time. Unlike that little puppy, sleep did not come easy to me that night.

My mind was too filled with thoughts about my work and now and then my thoughts would drift off to Hayden. I wondered what he was doing and if he was sleeping well. Hopefully, he wasn’t having trouble sleeping like I did. Then again, I don’t think that little argument we had just now would disturb him at all. Then why is it bothering me so much?

I shut my eyes tightly as I covered my eyes with my hand and rolled around from side to side on the bed. This is useless, I can’t seem to go to sleep no matter how hard I tried. I sat up in bed as my head started to throb a little painfully. Am I about to get a migraine? Seriously?


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