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Love Slave to the Mafia Boss's Passion 18 novel Chapter 232

“Because…I like you the way you are,” I replied before smiling at him.

Reality was harsh and Hayden was far from the standard guy in my dream. He was demanding, intimidating, bold, hot yet cold, devilish but looked like an angel, a mafia but also a caring doctor and so many more contradictions that I still couldn’t understand; however, if he was any different, this man standing next to me wouldn’t be Hayden anymore.

“Sounds good. The other one isn’t bad, but I would turn too many heads if I looked like that,” Hayden joked.

“I guess you already turn many heads…” I mumbled, realizing his words to be true.

“True,” Hayden said like it was nothing.

“Do you think my work is good enough?” I asked as my eyes returned to focus on my sketches.

“Good enough for…?” Hayden asked as he hugged me softly from behind.

He bent down and his chin rested on my shoulder. I could feel his breath blowing softly against my ear as he pulled me closer to his body. His warmth and his smelled enveloped me and my heart started beating faster and faster.

“Umm…you know, for the clients…” I replied as I tried to control the wild beating of my own heart.

“Of course. It’s always been good enough,” Hayden replied without hesitation.

If he says so…

Although I knew that Hayden didn’t really have an eye or talent for the arts, his words still gave me comfort and the courage to take the next step which was to prioritize the commissions and finally start working on one.

I sat in front of my computer as I started rereading the commission requests again with the intent of sorting them into priorities based on how comfortable I was with completing the request. Of course, I knew that this wasn’t very scientific, and it relied a lot on my personal feelings and confidence, but I believed that it was the best way for me to complete as many requests as possible.

As Hayden had suggested, I prioritized the commissions that did not require me to meet the client face-to-face first. After that I looked at the specifics of their requests to see if it fits within my skill range. There were some requests for oil paintings which I put as last priority due to its difficulty. For the first priority, I put requests for pencil sketches first and then requests for watercolor paintings.

Even after applying those filters, there were still around ten requests. It would probably take two to three months to complete them all if I worked my ass off all day and early in the evening. I started typing emails to contact the clients for those requests to ask them for more details. After receiving some more inputs from them, I’ll start providing price quotes for their commissions and then lining them up in a queue.

It took a while, but I managed to send all ten emails to my potential clients. My shoulders felt a little stiff, so I began stretching. Little Hayden lay at my feet looking bored and sleepy. I wonder where Hayden is right now? He didn’t go to work so he should be in this mansion somewhere…

Since this mansion was too big for me to go and walk around to look for him, I decided to gather up my courage and give him a call instead. It wasn’t long before Hayden answered my call. What am I supposed to say to him now?

“Umm…Little Hayden seems bored…” I mumbled the first thing that came to my mind.

No! What did I just say!?

“What?” Hayden said cluelessly.


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