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Love Slave to the Mafia Boss's Passion 18 novel Chapter 256

“Hayden told me that you’re…” I began saying softly.

“Dead?” Harvey finished my sentence for me smoothly.

He grinned at me before returning his attention to the dog on his lap as if what I wanted to discuss was something insignificant and unimportant.

“…Yes,” I replied.

“I keep telling Hayden to introduce me to his girlfriend, but he always refused. It’s such a shame really…” Harvey said, sounding regretful while dodging my previous question entirely.

I was still quite scared of Harvey; however, his presence didn’t seem to intimidate me as much as Hayden did. Regardless of my own fears, I wasn’t willing to just let this slide. If I asked Hayden about this, he might not tell me anything again. Therefore, my best bet right now is to try to get some answers out of Harvey.

“Harvey, why does everyone think that you’re dead?” I asked again.

I made sure to speak out much louder than last time. He must have heard me and the seriousness in my voice. Harvey’s eyes widened at little at me as if he was surprised then he smiled an icy smile that made my skin crawl.

“Because it would have been better for everyone if I died…” Harvey replied casually.

“What?” I said cluelessly.

What is he talking about?

“Well, for a while at least…” he said before shrugging like it was nothing concerning.

“You faked your death?” I asked, trying not to sound accusing.

“I did…oh…but it wasn’t my idea,” Harvey said.

That doesn’t make it any less your fault. I didn’t have to guess whose brilliant idea it was to fake Harvey’s death. Harvey mentioned that he spoke to Hayden, so his younger brother knew for sure that he is alive. Guess I already knew who I should credit the idea to.

“Why? Why would Hayden suggest such a crazy thing?” I asked as my temples started to throb.

“He wanted to help me. He really is such a good brother,” Harvey said with a warm smile as if he was thinking of his dear younger brother.

“Help you…with what?” I asked, in pure confusion.

It was like these two brothers loved to talk in riddles and I had a hard time understanding them both. Why can’t they just talk directly like normal people and just tell me what is going on?

Instead of replying to my question, Harvey gently lifted Little Hayden off his lap before placing him down carefully on the floor next to his feet. The poor dog looked up with pleading eyes as if saddened that he had been let down. Harvey patted the dog’s head and said some tender words of comfort. Harvey then stood up from his seat before turning to face me directly.


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