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Love Slave to the Mafia Boss's Passion 18 novel Chapter 355

Who captured me and why? They’re not going to hurt me…are they?

Suddenly, I started worrying less and less about the wedding and I started worrying more about the short-term future of my life and my safety. To my surprise, I found that I was less panicked than I thought that I would be. I couldn’t hear anything or anyone and that made me feel like I must really be all alone in the warehouse.

If I wait here patiently enough, Hayden will come and save me. That was what I told myself over and over again as I rubbed my hands together to keep them warm. Rubbing my hands together seemed to be the only way to slowly loosen the tape around my wrist as well. It’s so cold in here and it was making me feel very sleepy and tired. I need to conserve my energy or I’m going to pass out.

Closing my eyes, I continued to rub my hands and wrist together while I tried my best to stay calm. To keep myself from going crazy, I tried to think of Hayden. I was sure that he was looking for me right now and soon he would find me. If I just trusted him, I knew that I could make it through. If what Hayden told me before was true, then this wasn’t the first time that this is happening to me. When I was younger, someone had kidnapped me just like this. Of course, I didn’t remember a single thing about it because I was too young.

My eyes snapped opened and I looked around the empty warehouse in panic. Hopefully, the kidnapping from back then had nothing to do with what is happening now. Seriously, Malissa, how unlucky do you need to be to be kidnapped twice in your lifetime. A thought struck me, and I ended up giggling like a mad person. Thankfully, whoever decided to tie me up didn’t gag me.

Hayden was probably right, if I married him, I might have to go through a lot of eventful events like this. Might as well get used to this, Malissa. This isn’t the first time, and it may not be the last time for you.

If this was a repeat of what had happened to me before then it was probably ransom. Hopefully that meant that they wouldn’t hurt me and after they get their money from Hayden, they would return me and be on their way. Money does solve many problems, fortunately.

I had no idea what time it was or how long I had been sitting there with my back against the wall. Why does it feel like it’s getting colder in here. I feel so sleepy, my eyes won’t stay open anymore…

Hayden…please come soon…

“We’ve just received demands from the kidnappers,” one of the men in black stated.

“Give it here!” the boss snapped as he reached for the letter.

The atmosphere in the room was tensed and the boss’s face was red with anger and frustration. The boss looked around the room before his eyes focused on his son and Ethan, the boss of Silva. He still didn’t understand why Ethan had to get involved but he wasn’t in the mood to deal with another conflict between the gangs right now.

“This girl is fucking expensive…” the boss growled before he began laughing loudly.

Everyone’s eyes were on the paper that the boss held as they wondered what the demands were while the boss continued laughing without bothering to share the news to anyone else.

“Boss…” Hayden called his father to remind him of the gravity of the situation.


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