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Love Slave to the Mafia Boss's Passion 18 novel Chapter 357

For a moment, I wasn’t sure if I wanted to be rescued anymore. If whoever came to rescue me had to go through them, then…

“Grab the girl,” the man who appeared to be the leader of the group instructed curtly.

“Come here, girl,” one of the men approached me.

I yelped at the slight pain as his fingers dug into my arm before he basically yanked me up to my feet. It wasn’t easy for me to maintain my balance with my ankles bound together and I almost fell over. The man didn’t seem to care much for my welfare as he pulled on my arms and began dragging me to where the other men were gathered in the center of the warehouse.

A few steps from where we started, the man realized that I couldn’t walk in the state that I was in and decided to half carry and half drag me instead. I whimpered as my feet were dragged roughly across the floor until we reached out destination.

“Sit and stay still,” the man said as he shoved me down onto a wooden chair.

“Tie her to the chair, quick. It’s almost time,” their leader commanded.

Another man approached me, and I flinched when I saw the thick rope in his hands. The sudden development in the situation had truly started to frighten me. I stared in shock while my body trembled from fear as the man began looping the thick rope around my waist. He tied a large knot behind the chair and just like that, I was tied to the chair. I quickly found out that I could hardly move at all. My heart beat loudly in my chest as panic gripped me.

After my initial shock had passed, I realized that the leader mentioned something about it being ‘almost time’. Time for what? Is something supposed to happen?

“What are you doing?” I protested as another man approached me.

“No more speaking,” he muttered.

My eyes widened and I cried out. After trying to struggle by turning my head to the side to no avail, the man succeeded in taping my mouth shut. Speaking was no longer an option.

“Don’t worry missy. We’ll be done with you as soon as we get our money,” the leader said before he started laughing loudly.

As if that was supposed to bring me any sense of comfort.

It’s ‘almost time’

I see, Hayden is going to come save me soon, right?


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