Salina runs faster and faster, Fabian chases behind...
“Salina, I just want to have a meal with you, due to your birthday! That’s it! Salina, stop!” He calls behind, so hopeless... Salina feels bad a little, she stops after a while. She turns and looks back.
“Can we have a meal together at least? I have prepared since from yesterday. Shall we?” He begs there, like an old man begs her daughter to come home. She considers for a long time, then agrees.
They walk back to the restaurant and sit, both of them seem worried. He cuts a piece of cake for her, “Here you go.” She thanks him and begins to eat, she doesn't eat anything yet from the morning. During that moment, he tries to explain to her about everything. However, thinking of what he has done to her, he feels guilty. The words become cracked before he speaks out. He doesn't have a mood to eat, just watching her. That’s enough!
“Why you don’t eat?” She asks.
“I’m not hungry.” He replies. The morning sunshine peeks through the window on him, making him cover with gold. He looks like a Prince by the moment.
They finish the meal and walk out. “Let me send you home then.” He asks.
“No need!” She refuses and turns. “I live close, so I can walk home myself.” All her words sound like keeping the distance from him, making him hurt inside.
“But...” He tries to explain.
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