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Love Together, Be With You Never novel Chapter 92

I suddenly blushed. I knew that Armand was going to talk about that night. If it was possible, I really wanted to delete my memory about that night. Unfortunately, I couldn't do that.

"What do you mean?" I could only force myself to listen to him.

Armand looked at me and said, "Ms. Cornell, I really didn't expect you to do such a thing that night!"

I blushed even more. I wish I could delete Armand's memory as well.

"But, thank you!"

"What?" I thought I misheard, but Armand gave a respectful bow to me and thanked me.

"Ms. Cornell, Mr. Charles had been cold and indifferent ever since he was a kid. I've followed since I was young, but I've never seen Mr. Charles interested in anything. However, that night, you took Mr. Charles to that kind of place for dinner. In the end, you were even drunk and kept talking with Mr. Charles by holding his hands. If this happened before, Mr. Charles would have thrown you into the Pacific Ocean. You wouldn't even have lived for an hour. But that night, Mr. Charles didn't do that. Moreover...." A trace of peacefulness and gratification appeared on Armand's face.

"What?" I couldn't help but ask.

"I can feel that Mr. Charles is gradually becoming gentle and more like a human!" Armand smiled at me.


I didn't know if it was my own illusion and I felt my heart beat violently. I laughed in panic, "I, I was rude that night. And I should thank Mr. Charles for not arguing with me. Otherwise, I won't be able to survive!"

I didn't want to recall that night, so I hurriedly bid farewell to Armand. However, when I walked to the elevator, I stopped and asked him, "Armand, after I got drunk that night, I mean, how did I get back?"

I remembered everything that happened before I got drunk, but after I passed out, I didn't know anything until I woke up in bed and Marlon barged in. Besides, Marlon also told me that I was drunk.

"Afterwards...." The expression of Armand was a little strange and complicated. He seemed to be very happy, but unbelievable at the same time. His expression was so dramatic, completely different from what he usually looked like.

"Armand, have you finished all you job?" Before Armand could say something, the office door suddenly opened. Kieran came out and glanced coldly at Armand, "Since you have nothing to do right now, you can go handle the business in Africa!" Then he turned around and closed the door again.

Armand's face twitched fiercely. He looked pitiful and said to me, "Mr. Charles is angry. Ms. Cornell, I'm leaving!" He went straight down the stairs.

I, "..."

I looked at the tightly shut office door and stopped thinking about that night. None of these things mattered. Since Kieran refused to help, everything had to be settled by myself. But I didn't blame him at all. In this world, we should deal with our own business. If you were in trouble, the only person you could rely on was yourself.

The first thing to do was to solve the project.

I left Kieran's office, but I didn't go to my own department. Instead, I went straight to Adrian.

When I thought of Adrian, I feel a little uneasy. Adrian was the only one who knew about my pregnancy. Although he promised me not to tell anyone, will he really kept his promise?

At least now, Adrian didn't tell anyone, including Kieran and Marlon.

I found Adrian's residence based on my intuition. I didn't have his contact information and could only rely on luck. Fortunately, I managed to find it.

"Adrian!" I shouted at the door, but I after a long time, no one answered. Just as I was about to give up, the door opened.


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