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Love Will Come In Time novel Chapter 13


It started drizzling in the sky of N City.

The gloomy sky was depressing.

Outside the Mu’s Group building, Holley slammed on the brake and controlled the car. The car did not directly hit the company's lobby.

The security guards rushed over at once.

But when they saw clearly the plate number and the badge of the Mu family on the car, the security guards were all silent.

No matter who was getting off the car, they dared not provoke.

The furious security immediately changed his attitude and eagerly made a gesture of welcome to Holley.

This was not the first time for Holley to come to the Mu Group.

The last time she came here was four years ago. At that time, she and Ron...

She stopped in the hall for a full minute.

After calming down, Holley flipped her hair and went straight into the elevator.

It went up to the President's Office on the top floor.

Outside the President's Office was the Secretary Room which was facing the elevator.

The moment Holley got off the elevator, the secretary came out.

She took a glance at the beautiful face of Holley and the clothes and shoes worth no more than two hundred in total.

Disgust and impatience could be seen in the secretary's eyes.

She looked at Holley up and down like watching an animal. After making sure that she didn't make it wrong, the secretary rolled her eyes and said enigmatically, "the security guard downstairs is he out of his mind? And he even gets the beggar upstairs."

She pointed at Holley's nose as she said. "Hurry up. This is not a place where you should come."

Holley frowned. She had been anxious about Moore.

Unwilling to argue with these secretaries, she asked directly, "is Ron in?"

"Huh! Aha... "

The secretary laughed exaggeratedly. "Are you crazy? Didn't you hear me? You don't even deserve to ask if our president is here. Look at yourself, as a woman who is good for nothing? It's none of your business whether our president is here or not? And could you call the president's name directly? "

"I'm Mrs. Mu. You'd better answer my question, or you'll regret it."

Although Holley didn't like her status, she had to show it to suppress these arrogant secretaries.

After hearing that, the secretary laughed even more exaggeratedly. "If you are shameless, you call yourself Mrs. Mu. Do you take us as fools? We can work in the Secretary Room of our President's Office. We all have highly educated overseas talents with high IQ. You can fool the fool security guards with your lame excuse. Are you daydreaming to fool us? "

"Everyone knows that Mrs. Mu is Miss Linda. Where did you come from?"

The secretary's voice became harsher and her voice was a little higher than before.

The other secretaries in the Secretary Room were also disturbed by the noise and walked out one after another.

When they saw Holley, their eyes were full of disdain for her.

"Where does the poor come from?"

"Yes, how come she beg here?"

"Celine, how could stop the beggar? Why are you still so noisy? If our president heard you, he would punish you!"

The secretary called Celine was not satisfied with being derided. "She called herself Mrs. Mu and behaved like a queen here. I couldn't get her out of here anyway."

"Oh, she is with mental illnesses."

"If you meet someone with mental disease, call the police and the mental hospital. What are you going to do by yourself?"


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