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Love Will Come In Time novel Chapter 18

Holley stood out of breath and half bending, with her hands on her knees. She didn't have the time to see who was talking to her.

She ignored what she said, but the woman didn't mean to retreat.

She was so familiar with what Holley meant to Mr. Ron.

If he really loved Holley, he wouldn't send her to prison himself.

There must be a special reason for her sudden favor.

So she never treated Holley as Mrs. Mu. Instead, she thought Holley was a rabbit that could be bullied easily.

"There are photos of me and Mr. Ron. Do you want to have a look?"

She asked deliberately.

As the name suggested, the photos together were taken between her and Mr. Ron, some inappropriate scenes for children.

That woman was very active, and she never thought to respect Holley's will, she directly showed the cellphone to her.

On the screen, there was a picture of a man and a woman...

Holley frowned.

She had come to bother her like this. It seemed that she had no choice but to face her.

Looking up at the woman in front of her, Holley vaguely remembered that she should be one of the eight secretaries of Mr. Ron.

But now she was with exquisite makeup and looked so different from the woman in the photo.

"Your photos?"

Holley asked uncertainly.

"That's right."

The woman rolled her eyes at Holley and said arrogantly, "my name is Nancy. I am Mr. Ron's bed partner."

It was the first time for Holley to know that someone was able to say that kind of relationship and even said with pride.

But it was not surprising.

There were countless women who wanted to hook up with Mr. Ron.

Nancy, who could keep a relationship with Mr. Ron for a long time, naturally had her means. No wonder she felt proud.

"But apparently, Mr. Ron has abandoned you."

In the past, Holley was not a person with a sharp tongue.

But during her four years in prison, she had learned how to talk with people with poisonous words.

Holley wouldn't say anything harsh in usual times. But in the face of a woman like Nancy, Holley would say anything harshest to pay back Nancy for what she did.

"How long do you think you can confuse Mr. Ron? After Miss Linda comes back, you will be thrown out of the house by Mr. Ron like rubbish. "

Holley's words hit the nail on the head.

What's more, Mr. Ron abandoned her and even threatened her that if she dared to come to the Mu's Group and make trouble in the first place and asked for compensation, he would make the mistakes she had made in the past few years be announced in the industry, and that she would never be able to find a job in top five hundred enterprises.

Hearing that Mr. Ron was so determined to punish her, Nancy had no idea what had happened.

But she was sure it had nothing to do with Holley who had been out of favor with Ron since four years ago but only with one identity of Mrs. Mu.

So she left the Mu's Group after she was wronged. When she saw Holley, she made up her mind to annoy Holley by the past story between her and Mr. Ron.


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