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Love Wins Over Lust novel Chapter 13

Liam inhaled sharply. He wanted to finish this drama of the Masked man soon. He valued Alexandrio as a friend and friends made sacrifices for one another, Alexandrio can cut short his life for Liam.

Liam called one of his men who were keeping an eye on Alexandrio, "break the news of Ethan King being attacked to Alexandrio's wife, in two days," ordering that he end the call.

Liam felt something heavy in his chest after the call. "Sorry, pal but I have to do it."

He turned his head to the left when heard someone's footsteps. Paulina was coming with a tray of food in her hands. He watched her entering the room. He followed her inside and found Aurora wide awake.

As per the orders, Paulina put the tray on the table and walked out without speaking a single word to Aurora but she could see there was something wrong with her. She wanted to ask but the orders were orders.

Aurora's eyes watered once again but this time she didn't try to hide her tears. She wanted him to see her crying. He wanted to see her broken, so she would give him that.

Liam sighed and placed the food tray in front of her, "eat your lunch."

Aurora gave him a node and picked the spoon and ate the soup silently. She knew he was watching her. She put the spoon back and left a sob. "Liam…" she whispered his name crying.

Liam frowned but kept his eyes on her. She raised her head and gazed at him. "I don't want to be alone, I am tired, Liam. I can't fight anymore, even if it's a lie, I need you, please hold me."

His heart skipped a beat but didn't move, "hold me in your arms, Liam. I am alone here, please take me in your arms," she sobbed and the heaviness in her voice made him walk to her.

He held her cheek in his hand, "I can't take this anymore, Liam."

He couldn't analyse her at this moment. Fresh tears rolled down her cheek and she threw her arms around him. "I don't want to live like this, I can't live like this, talk to me, hold me, I give up my pride for you. You wanted to see me on my knees right? See I am on my knees and I am ready to be like this forever if you give your love to me. I tried to hate you, I tried to stop my heart from loving you but I couldn't. I love you more than I hate you...I want to be with you, don't play with my emotions please, Liam. I am all alone, I can't live like this."

Liam couldn't hear her anymore, the pain in her voice was breaking his walls and just like that he hugged her back, tightly, "Oh Little one, why are you making it hard for me," he whispered, kissing the crown of her hair making Aurora chuckle.

"Dont leave me alone, Liam. I don't want to be alone."

He rested his chin in her hair and kissed her. Aurora held him even more tightly. Even though she was pretending all this, but even this act felt real. She had missed his arms. Liam sat beside her, she met his eyes, "Even if your love was an act, I want to live that act forever. I tried living without you, but I couldn't... I couldn't," she said, shaking her head.

Liam's heart skipped a beat. He went numb for a moment after hearing her words. "You still love me?" He asked, his intense gaze staring into her soul.

Aurora nodded. "Yes," she replied without a single moment of hesitation.

Liam sharpened his eyes, thin lines formed at the corner of his eyes. He didn't believe her, how could she change her tone this soon? Liam decided to test her.

"So you would let me kiss you," he gawked into her eyes, "you would let me do anything to you…"

Aurora felt as if he slapped her. Even now, he only cared about her body, this proved he had no emotions, no respect for her. She was just a body he wanted to use for his pleasure and this made her more determined to leave him.

This man didn't deserve her.

She caressed his right cheek softly and touched her head to his. " I am all yours, my love for you is bigger than any other emotion."

Liam kept staring at her face, she didn't blink, meeting his gaze, he was trying to see her emotions, judging her whether she was lying or not. Aurora gulped down the heaviness and leaned closer. "I give up my pride for your love.," saying that she placed her lips on his and kissed him softly, she poured all her love into that kiss to make him believe that she still loves him.

Liam was still not believing her words but when she started kissing her, he couldn't stop himself from contributing to it. He wanted to see to which length she was going to take it.

If she was lying, she would never let him take her, she was an emotional fool and for her sex means love.

Aurora's heart was beating faster with every second she prolonged the kiss. She was hating herself for doing this but it was the need of the time. She kept kissing him and tried to ignore the pain in her heart she was feeling when he kissed her back. There was a time when his kisses were equivalent to love for her but now they were nothing but a travesty.

A lie just like him!

Liam stopped the kiss when he felt her breathing turning hard and moved to her neck, he teased her soft skin with the tip of his tongue, a shiver ran down her skin and goosebumps raised on her body.


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