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Love Wins Over Lust novel Chapter 23

Liam was going insane when he couldn't find any news about Aurora.

"How is that possible, they didn't vanish in the air!" He snarled at his man.

Ryan came to Liam. "You need to think with a clear mind."

"I can't keep thinking with a clear mind, my wife is with him. Anything could happen to her, she is alone unaware of the reality of our world. What do you think will happen to her and I couldn't even find out who this masked man is? Where is he, I can't find out anything? "

Ralph walked out of the room. He knew Liam would not allow him to screw his plan but he had to try one last time. For the sake of love and friendship.

He called Alexandrio once again and to his surprise he accepted the call at the first ring. "Alexandrio, Do us a favour and ask Dmitry to help us in catching the masked man. He kidnapped Aurora. Liam is losing his mind. If anything happened to Aurora he would not think about any relation or anything…"

Alexander looked at his wife who was sitting beside him. He knew if she came to know about Aurora, she would not be able to handle it. She loves Aurora like a sister. "Alexandrio, you know Liam will never forgive Dmitry and the revenge will be on him."

Alexandrio closed his eyes. Ralph was telling the truth. Liam would not see right and wrong when it comes to revenge. "I will be there soon and then I will talk to Dmitry," he sighed. "Ralph, I am not promising anything but I will try."

"That's all we can do, Akexandrio."

Ralph was about to end the call but stiffened when a hand clasped his shoulder. He turned and found Liam standing there, his eyes dark and calculative. "Mute," he mouthed.

Ralph did what he asked and looked at him. "Ask him where he is."

Alexandrio was still talking over the phone. He could feel the vibrations of it. Ralph shook his head but he knew nothing he would say right now was going to work on Liam.

"Ask him!"

Ralph unmuted the call. "Alexandrio, the city is not safe. The attack on Liam and now Aurora. I am sending the security, tell me where you are? We have received a warning from the masked man that he will hurt everyone related to us."

"I am at Allan road."

Ralph closed his eyes as he watched Liam pulling his phone out and calling his men. He ended the call and blocked Alexandrio's number. "Sorry pal but my hands are tied."

Liam ordered his man the things he wanted them to do. He went to the balcony of his penthouse and gripped the railings tightly. He was feeling a heaviness in his chest he had never felt before. Friendship, love, emotions. He never cared about them but she changed everything. She changed him.

Alexandrio's friend when his eyes went to the cars behind him. All were black, there was something fishy about them. He was a trained mafia soldier, he understood these tactics far too well. "Damn!" He punched the steering wheel in anger. Emily jumped in her seat seeing his actions.


"Sweetheart, please don't speak for some time," he said and increased the speed of his car. A bullet hit the rear mirror breaking it making Emily scream. "Xandrio what the hell is all this?"

Alexandrio glanced at the mirror to see the number of cars. Three in total and bullets were fired from every one of them. Emily cried in horror when a bullet hit the mirror on her side. "Xandrio…"

"Relax Emily. I won't let anything happen to you," he whispered but inside his heart was thumping in fear.

He ducked her head down to save her from the bullets. "Emily, call Liam and tell him about the attack on us. Do it fast, sweetheart."

Emily nodded, her eyes wide in a panic she dialled Liam's number with shaking hands.

Liam watched Emily's number flashing on his mobile screen. He didn't answer and let it ring. Suddenly, Aurora's words rang in his ears. "I can die for my friends."

He gritted his jaw and ignored the call. "I am doing this for you Little one. Only for you."

"He didn't pick the call, Xandrio I am scared. I am so scared."

Alexandrio didn't have his gun with him. He would have done something but now he was empty-handed, he kissed Emily's head and kept driving the car. He was calling Ralph but his number was busy.

He didn't have any other option. Every second was precious. He looked at his wife, "Dial Dmitry," he ordered her but she was in a state of panic but she managed to dial Dmitry 's number.


"They will kill us, please do something."

"Who? What are you talking about? Where is Alexandrio, Emily?"

Emily let out a horrified scream when the bullet hit glass inside the car. "Dmitry, the masked man attacked us. He warned Liam that he would hurt everyone related to him. I don't have anything with me. There are three cars, brother. Bullets are fighting. I am trying to drive but luck is not in my favour."

"Impossible, he would never…"

"He did, Dmitry…"

"Xandrio…" Emily cried as a bullet hit the window glass. Alexandrio ducked his head down while trying to hold the phone to his hear.

"Nothing will happen to you, Xandrio. I will kill that some of a bitch if a single hair is harmed on your head."

Emily cried as the broken glass hit her back. Dmitry made a dangerous sound in his throat before ending the call and dialling The Mexican head.

Alexandrio hit his car to the assassin's as he tried to move ahead of them but they took over and now his car was surrounded by three cars.

Emily cried as they were pulled out of the car. Alexandrio eyed the gun in their hands. "Leave her, do whatever you want to do with me but leave her."

A sharp pain ran through his head as one if the man hit him with the butt of the gun.

"Please don't. I am begging you don't hurt him…" she cried falling on her knees. A gun was placed next to her temple and the sight scared him to the core.

"Dmitry won't be happy…"Alexandrio said, knowing well that his brother had an alliance with The masked man.

The man who was standing behind Emily laughed at that. " as if our boss cares!" He said, spitting on the ground and hitting him again with the gun.

Alexandrio's eyes fixed on her Emily was shaking. She was looking at Alexandrio being beaten. "Please don't hurt him. Do whatever you want to do with me but don't hurt him."

Chapter 23 1

Chapter 23 2


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