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Love Wins Over Lust novel Chapter 3

Aurora sniffed and glanced at the ICU but stiffened when she found Liam standing there. Her heart quickened seeing him. She wanted nothing else than to run into his arms, she wanted to be held by him but then she recalled his words.

His love was a lie! And now, it didn't matter because he wanted her only for her father's wealth and now her father was in a dead or alive situation. She looked away from him, she had no strength left to face him right now. He was not on her priority list, her father was. Aurora wiped her tears, she told herself that these tears were not for him, they were for her father which was true. She was crying for her father's well being, not over a lying deceiving gold-digger.

Thomas was right, her father needed her to be strong. She stood up and walked towards Thomas, not caring about her wobbling legs anymore. Sometimes, people just grow up in a moment. This was the moment for Aurora, till now, her father protected her from everything and she never behaved like a mature but today seeing her father like that, she became mature in just a moment.

Liam fisted his hands, he would have Ethan. He was not worried about it but before that, he needed to make her agree to the marriage. It was the right moment, No one was going to stop him this time.

Not his father and certainly not Ethan Kings. Aurora ignored Liam completely and touched Thomas' hand. "What did the doctor say, Uncle? They have found the donor right?"

Thomas' shoulders slumped. He sighed and looked down. "No, there is no donor, Aurora," he looked back in her eyes. "But I am trying. I won't let anything happen to Ethan," he said, his cell phone rang. It was one of the spies. He needed to hear it, but not in front of Aurora.

He looked at Liam and nodded, Liam at once understood that the call was business. He smiled, getting into his perfect gentleman role once again. "Don't worry about Aurora, I am with her," he told Thomas who walked away from there as soon as possible.

Aurora gave him a look of disgust and tried to move away from him. She didn't even want his shadow to touch her. But Liam held her hand softly, Aurora and smiled for the sake of guards who were watching him with hawk eyes.

Killing them was not a big deal for Liam but he didn't want to spill blood at this moment. "Leave me!" She gritted.

"If you want to save your father, you will come with me in that room and we will talk."

"I don't want to talk to you, get out of here your presence is not required here, Liam," She said, trying to snatch her hand away but he didn't allow it and pulled her even closer to him.

Before Aurora could push him away, he said something which stopped all her movement. "I have a donor for your father, Aurora. I can save your Dad."

She stiffened and raised her eyes at him. He had a soft look on his face but his eyes were speaking a completely different language. "Do you want to save your father, little one?"

She nodded. Liam smirked. "I thought so, come to the room with me, little one so that we can talk about it."

Aurora walked beside him to the visitor's room, there was no one in the room. Liam left her hand making Aurora cripple over her foot. She was shocked, Liam Knight was no gentleman and she was a fool to believe otherwise. She was tired of people taking advantage of her naivety. First, Gaberial tried to mould her according to his wishes and now Liam.

"You said you can save my father, tell me what you want because I know you want something in return. Name your price, what is it you want, my father's business, have it. I am his heir. I will name it to you but save him," she said, trying to look unaffected by his coldness but failing miserably. The stupid tears keep swelling her eyes with their presence making her look vulnerable she wanted to look proud.

Liam didn't speak for a moment and only stared at her, he only chuckled when she finished her talk. "You are right, I do want something in return to save your father but it's not his business, na! I want something more valuable, I want his most precious jewel, Little one." He took a step further and leaned into her face.

She met his gaze with her tearful eyes and gasped loudly in shock when he started what he wanted in return to save her dying father. "I want you to beg me to marry you, Aurora Kings. I want you to get on your knees, join your hands and beg me to marry you. Then only I will save your precious father!"

She stepped away from him as if he had burned her hand. Her eyes widened with a horrific expression.

Has she fallen in love with this man? This cruel cold-hearted monster was trading her father's life with her hand in marriage.

She shook her head. "You can't be this cruel! If I don't agree, will you let my father die? Just like that, don't you have any conscience?" She whispered.

He chuckled. "No, I don't. Why would I have it, have you heard my side when I asked you to give me a chance? Did you, you gave your judgement and called me names. I am just proving you right, Little one. You called me a cold-hearted monster so the monster is here to welcome you in his world."

Her body felt lifeless, she couldn't stand on her feet, her legs turned to jelly, she fell on her knees. Her father could die, her father was on a deathbed.

Could anything be more important than his life? No, for Aurora, nothing was more important than that, she was ready to give up her own life for her father and here he was just asking for her hand in marriage. Aurora was ready to agree to do anything to save her Dad.

She didn't have time, only four more hours. She swallowed the painful lump in her throat and joined her hands. Tears were rolling down her cheek but the monster did not even take pity on her.

She raised her eyes and settled her gaze on him. His face was void of any expression, like a blank canvas but his eyes were not. They were speaking a language, Aurora couldn't read. There was something dark in his gaze, but Aurora didn't want to know his thoughts. Today, at this moment, Liam Knight had lost all her respect.

He wanted to marry her, she would gladly say, I Do'' to him. He could be a cold-hearted bastard but she couldn't. "Beg, Aurora, Beg!"

She left the breath she was holding, her lower lip wobbled as she was trying to stop herself from crying out loud like a child. No one has ever degraded her as this man did, not only once but on many occasions. At this moment, he was the same Liam she faced when she came to know about his Villa on the island. Today he held the same brutality as that day.

I was the fool to believe otherwise.


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